A cleaner won two £500,000 Thunderball jackpots in the same draw by MISTAKE and almost asked for her ticket to be void

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A cleaner won two £500,000 Thunderball jackpots in the same draw by MISTAKE and almost asked for her ticket to be void.

Gayle Say, 56, bought multiple lines for three tickets for Tuesday’s draw but realised she had copied the same numbers out twice.

The gran was about to ask the shopkeeper if she could cancel one of the tickets but changed her mind, because "it's not like we will win anyway".

But the lines she duplicated matched the five numbers 4, 7, 20, 23, 27 and the Thunderball 8 meaning she won the £500,000 top prize twice over.

Gayle also matched three numbers and the Thunderball on another line to claim an extra £20.

And in a one-in-a-million chance, she also won an extra £5,000 by matching five numbers and £10 for guessing three numbers on another line.

Gayle, who is married to Philip, 65, quit her job as a cleaner after scooping her mega rollover win.

She said: “I always go to the same shop to buy the tickets but after checking them I realised I’d chosen the same combination twice, one on each ticket.

“I thought about trying to get the ticket void but thought ‘it doesn’t matter, it’s not like I will win anyway’, and left the shop.”

Gayle realised her mistake had doubled her money later when she checked the Thunderball numbers on her phone.

She said: “With the tickets in my hand I rushed inside to tell Philip we had won and at the same time I realised another of the ticket’s had the same number line.

“I kept shouting ‘we’ve won and we’ve won again!’ Philip was scrambling around for his glasses to look at the phone to make sure I was right.

“We were both shaking, my legs were wobbling and we just looked at the phone in shock.”

Retired builder Philip, 65, said: “I immediately started to text the family with the news but no one believed me.

“I then saw a sight I will never forget, my wife dancing around the living room singing Frank Sinatra’s Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.”

The couple, who have four grown-up children and seven grandchildren, plan to put deposits on houses for their family and help them with their rent.
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Gayle added: “As well as helping out the family, all I want is for Philip to finish off the extension he is working on, and now with the winnings I can have a new kitchen.

“I resigned last week after we found out about the win, worked my week’s notice and as of today I am officially retired. It feels great.”

The couple bought their Thunderball tickets from Nina’s Convenience Store in Coventry.

Every Tuesday they buy multiple lines on three tickets based on door numbers, anniversaries and family birthdays.

Double lotto winners Gayle and Philip Say, who are both 65, say their first purchase will be a car to ferry around their seven grandchildren.

Gayle said: “My eyes popped out when I found out. I felt like jelly. I thought ‘I’ve got to get this right, it might not be’ I am still trying to get over it now. It’s beginning to sink in.

“We haven’t made a new purchase yet, but it will mostly be going to family and a new car. We’ve had lots of ideas but nothing as of yet.

“We couldn’t believe it. We can make a few more mistakes like that.

“My last shift this morning was great. I won’t have to get up in the cold dark mornings anymore. I have to leave the house by 6.40am and I do weekends so I only have one day off.

“I can lie in on Saturday and Sunday now. It’s amazing I haven’t done that for 28 years. I will find something to do though.

“We will sort one thing out at a time. We will be staying in Coventry though.

“We have used those numbers since it started. I’ve been playing the lottery since it started. I have done HotPicks and the EuroMillions, but I just do Thunderball now.

“I would usually just win little bits, but now I’ve got a big bit!”

Philip said: “After we found out we had two lots of numbers the same, she then said she has got a line with five numbers but without the bonus ball.

“If we had the bonus number, it would have been another £500,000. But a million is enough at the moment.

“I cycle everywhere, so I don’t have a car. But it will be something for the kids. It’s £1million for our family, not for us.

“We want to get a family car because we have grandchildren. I look after them on a Monday and a Tuesday.

“We won’t change, we will be the same. It’s just you have some money to be the same with.

“We still have our numbers for tonight’s draw. I just hope we win that one.”

ROUND OF A-PAWS- Harlso the amazing sausage dog attracts huge Instagram following by balancing everyday items on his head

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An adorable dachshund has become a viral sensation for balancing a series of random objects on his head.

Paul Lavery, 30, was amazed to discover his dog Harlso's "hidden talent" after jokingly placing a squeaky toy on his head and watching as the pup stood still as a statue.

Wearing a jazzy bow tie, the five-year-old pooch miraculously balances various items on his head including a globe, a glass of water and a stack of doughnuts.

His bizarre talents have catapulted him into internet stardom and he has over 92,000 followers on Instagram alone.
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Paul, who lives with his partner Jen Scott, 29, at their home in Belfast said: "We got him five years ago and we just fell in love with him at first sight and brought him home.

"For us, we didn't know he knew any tricks, we tried teaching him to sit, lie down, roll over and he wasn't interested!

"When he was about two years old I sat a chicken toy on his head and he just sat there looking at it really still.

"I called Jen down and said: 'Jen! Harlso has a hidden talent!'"

Soon after, the bewildered couple set up various social media accounts in February 2016, and after nine months Harlso had 14,000 followers.

Paul, a social worker, said: "It really started growing quite quickly. People from all over the world follow him.

"When we created the Instagram account it was mainly just for us, family and friends. We never expected it to take it off.

"I just thought: 'Who is going to be interested in seeing these photos and videos?'

"Harlso's got his very own VIP fan club for the most dedicated fans and we get messages through from people wanting to meet him.

"We got one message from a couple from Australia who said they were in the area and asked if they could pencil in a time to meet him and pet him."
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Paul photographs and videos Harlso balancing all sorts of things on his head including a Toblerone, an aubergine and even a slice of watermelon.

He also has impressive array of outfits in the videos and has a selection of over 300 bow ties to choose from.

He explained: "Anything long and tall we like to try and balance on his head. You can put pretty much anything on his head as long as it's not too heavy and too dangerous.

"I get people messaging me asking for training tips like I'm Cesar Millan! I do not know how he does this, one day he might decide to just stop.

"We always try to match his bow tie to what he's balancing on his head. We try to do themes for Halloween, Christmas and Easter too.

"It's amazing because when he was balancing things it used to surprise us but he can balance almost anything and 99 per cent of the time, he manages to do it first time."
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Harlso has won a 2019 Webby Award due to his talents and is even listed as one off the Guinness World Records 'Amazing Animals.'

He also recently won Northern Ireland's Social Media Personality of the Year- beating several humans to the prize.

And although Harlso is a pretty big deal now, Paul said the fame hasn't changed him.

He added: "He was always really bossy and a bit of a diva so the fame hasn't changed him because he's always been like that!"
Video by: Paul Lavery

FIN-TASTIC - Vets operate on their smallest patient ever after performing a procedure on a goldfish weighing less than A GRAM

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A vet has done a UK first by operating on its smallest patient ever after performing a delicate procedure on a 'gold fish' -- weighing less than A GRAM.

Little Molly - named after its species - was rushed into the practice after its owners noticed a large lump on its belly.

Staff at Highcoft Rabbit, Small Mammal & Exotic Vets, Bristol, immediately diagnosed a tumour and prepared Molly for surgery.

The emergency procedure saw vets catheterised the gold fish's mouth before anaesthetising the molly and removed the mass within 40 minutes.

The vets - who normally operate on the likes of iguanas, snakes and crocodiles - says the 1g 'goldfish' is the smallest animal to go under the knife.

The operation - which cost less than £100 - was hailed a success after Molly woke up within minutes of the anaesthetic being removed and returned home to its tank later that day.

Exotic species vet Sonya Miles said: "It's not common across the UK to bring your fish to the vets but it is here. We are seeing more and more fish which is great.

"It used to be the odd one or two every few months but more and more people are realising we are happy to see them.

"Although it looks like a goldfish its actually an exotic fish from the molly species although it does look incredibly like a goldfish.
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"A couple had been given the molly fish by an elderly neighbour but after a few weeks they noticed a lump on her underbelly and brought her in.

"It was definitely the smallest animal we've seen here. It barely registered on our scales.

"Both modern and veterinary medicine has advanced over time so we're able to perform

"It's a pretty simple procedure and took no longer than thirty or forty minutes. We submerged the fish in a container of anaesthetic solution.

"Once the righting reflex is lost and the fish is asleep it was the laid on the operating area.

"The fish is kept wet (which makes the puddle), the mouth is catheterised and different concentrations of anaesthetic are injected over the gills to keep the fish at a stable level of anaesthesia.

"The area covered with a water proof paste as stitching the skin closed isn’t a possibility. The fish was then woken up in fresh oxygenated water.

"The operation was a success as we were able to remove the tumour before it started to upset its balance.

"You definitely have to have steady hands and good eyesight. It was definitely a team effort.

"We're glad to have been able to help the fish before the tumour started to upset its balance."
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Disney owners Marvel reject a dad’s desperate plea to put Spider-Man on his four-year-old son’s grave

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Disney has blocked a grieving dad’s desperate wish to put a picture of Spider-Man on his four-year-old son's grave - because they want to preserve the 'innocence' of their hero.

Spider-Man superfan Ollie Jones tragically lost his lengthy two-year battle with a rare genetic disorder last year, and his family gave him a superhero-themed funeral.

But when his grieving dad Lloyd Jones tried to get permission for an etching of his son's favourite superhero, Spider-Man, on his gravestone, he was told by the council to contact the character's owners - children's entertainment giant Disney.

The Walt Disney Company - which owns the Marvel franchise - refused to give the go-ahead because they wanted to preserve “innocence” and “magic” around their characters.

A rejection email from the US-based giant offered the devastated family, from Maidstone, Kent, a "personalised cel" showing a scene from Spider-Man with a hand-written message to Ollie.

Lloyd wanted the Spider-Man image to remind him of Ollie when he visits the grave at Maidstone cemetery in Kent.

Dad Lloyd was baffled by the movie giant’s ruling who thinks it was “all about money.”

The dad-of-six said: "I really wasn't expecting this - it's another massive blow.

"I felt sure they would allow it."

Lloyd said the movie firm is trying to “disassociate their characters with death.”

He added: “That makes no sense to me - characters die in their films all the time.

"I think this is all about money.

"Ollie's last holiday was at Disneyland.

"He loved Spider-Man and we had bought him all the toys.

"But now he has died and we won't be spending any more money, they don't care."
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Ollie passed away last December after a two-year battle with leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disease, also shared by his six-year-old sister Laillah.

His funeral was led by the Marvel character and featured a horse drawn carriage decorated in red and blue balloons.

Writing on Facebook to rally support to reverse the decision, Lloyd said: “Kids only matter to Disney when there alive and spending money with them.”

Lloyd's brother Jason Jones, 37, communicated with Disney on his behalf because the dad was struggling to deal with his son's death.

A representative from The Walt Disney Company's permissions department wrote: "We extend our sincere condolences. If we played a small part in Ollie's happiness we are honoured.

"Generations of fans have responded to our characters with the same wonder and delight that Ollie did. In fact, many believe the characters to be real.

"We have striven to preserve the same innocence and magic around our characters that brought Ollie such joy.

"For that reason, we follow a policy that began with Walt Disney himself that does not permit the use of characters on headstones, cemetery or other memorial markers or funeral urns.

"Although we cannot grant the family's request, we would be pleased to commemorate your nephew with a hand-inked, hand-painted, personalized that recognises his love for Spider-Man, which will read: 'For your _______ (nephew's name), Thank you for letting us share in the magic of your life. Your friends at the Walt Disney Company.

"We feel privileged to have had him as a fan.'"

Ollie's uncle Jason said: "This meant everything to us.

"My brother's life has been shattered, it has shattered the whole family.

"We can't move on until we have his headstone done - Spider-Man was Ollie's entire life. He loved it so much.

"I didn't expect it to be an issue - my funeral director, who's also my friend called me and told me they can't do it. I thought he was joking at first.

"We understand copyright but I don’t see why Marvel would have any issues with this.”

A Maidstone Borough Council spokeswoman said they would do “everything they can” to help the family.

She added: "Maidstone Borough Council is trying to help a family who have asked whether they can place a Spider-Man headstone at the grave of their young son.

"Sadly, these types of stones have to adhere to copyright and while we understand this is a very emotional time for the family we have made contact with Marvel to ensure the family are complying with their terms and conditions.”

Meanwhile, an online petition by Lloyd’s old school friend Michael Farrow urging Disney to change its mind has gained more than 1600 signatures.

And Lloyd was moved by an offer by Maidstone building firm Gallaghers to donate the headstone if permission was granted.

Ollie died of leukodystrophy which effects one in 40,000 people in the UK, and is brought on by a genetic fault affecting the brain, spinal cord and surrounding nerves.
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A small plant put in an office ten years ago has turned into a 300FT monster - filling the entire building and hanging over every desk

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A small plant put in an office ten years ago has turned into this 300FT monster - filling the entire building and hanging over every desk.

Boss Des Brennan, 54, bought the ivy as a small potted cutting a decade ago to brighten up his work space.

He says he placed it in the corner of the office of his company and it quickly grew to around 3ft.

But it then "absolutely flourished" - apparently boosted by the florescent lights and warm air.

It now trails up the walls and along the ceiling - dangling an incredible 300ft around the office building - adorning most desks.

The epic plant now fills the office of Protective Solutions Ltd. in Stonehouse, Glos. - the packaging company Des founded in 2006.

And Des said that the plant is still growing at a rate of around six inches every month.

He said: "It's done really well. We put it in the corner of the office in the pot that it came in, and it just flourished.

"I think it likes the fluorescent lights in here, and the heat. In the summer, when the leaves all come out, it's more like a canopy in here."

And Des added that the plant is very low-maintenance, requiring almost no looking after at all.
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He said: "It takes almost nothing. In the winter months, when all the leaves die off, we don't have to do anything with it.

"We only water it once every couple of days, about half a pint of water. It does cost a fortune in elastic bands though, to pin it onto the roof.

"It's a very defiant plant. If you happen to catch a bit of branch in a door, and break it off the plant, it seems to grow a few more shoots in its place."

He added: "It's a big talking point. A lot of people know our office as the one with the big plant.

"There's a team of eight of us here. Some of the girls talk to the plant, but I don't believe in all that stuff.

"We do get quite a few spiders hiding in the plant, but I don't blame the plant for that.
We have a lot of fun at Christmas - we hang lights and baubles from it.

"When it grows too big to fit in the office, we'll have to punch a hole in the roof and let it grow up on the mezzanine.

"We've got an open-plan office, it's about 50 foot long by about 25 foot wide.

"It goes round our office a couple of times, and then criss-crosses across the ceiling too. It's absolutely massive."

Des added: ''I think between the server heat, and the computers, and the nature of the people working here, and their good will, it's absolutely thrived.

''It's well over 300ft long - I think it calms people down. i think it's nice to have something green, something living in the office, and I think it's very therapeutic.''

One worker, a sales executive called Charlotte, said: ''I don't really like spiders and we have a few spiders that hide in the plant.

''We do have a good laugh about it. We keep threatening to cut it and prune it for Des, but he won't let us.

''I think he measures it before he goes away to make sure we haven't done anything to it.''
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TRAGIC DEATH - A two-year-old girl has died after contracting E.Coli following a holiday at a "disgusting" hotel in Turkey

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A two-year-old British girl has died after contracting a tummy bug following a holiday at a "disgusting" hotel in Turkey, it emerged today.

Little Allie Birchall was struck down by E.Coli poisoning and developed complications after staying at the five Crystal Sunset Luxury Resort and Spa, east of the city of Antayla.

Her family had to make the heartbreaking decision to switch off her life support after she was flown back to the UK and had been rushed to hospital.

The little girl died on August 3 - just three weeks before her third birthday - and less than two weeks after returning home from their holiday at the resort.

Her mum, Katie Dawson, told how all members of the family suffered from gastric symptoms including stomach cramps and diarrhoea during their 10 day stay.

The family had travelled to Turkey with tour operator Jet2 Holidays on 12 July.

Katie said they had concerns over the hygiene at the resort, including faeces in a swimming pool and food which had not been properly heated.

She said: “Food was sometimes left uncovered and occasionally served lukewarm, and there were birds occasionally flying around the food.

“We saw faeces in the swimming pool and I spoke to other holidaymakers who saw the faeces in the pool on more than one occasion, and staff just scooped it out without closing the pool or giving it a thorough clean.

“The walls in the children’s toilets were also smeared with faeces. It was disgusting.

But Allie did not start getting ill until five days after getting back to their home in Atherton, Greater Manchester, when she began suffering with stomach cramps, diarrhoea, loss of appetite and lethargy.

Peppa Pig fan Allie was seen by an out-of-hours GP, but as she got worse she was admitted to Royal Bolton Hospital on July 30 where various tests were carried out.

It was confirmed that Allie had contracted Shiga-Toxin producing E.Coli (STEC), which later led to her developing deadly Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (HUS) - a life-threatening complication related to the poisoning.

HUS is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects the blood and blood vessels, resulting in the destruction of blood platelets. It can also cause kidney failure and brain damage.

Allie was moved to the Manchester Royal Infirmary and put in an induced coma on August 1.
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An MRI scan was carried out, which revealed that she had sustained severe brain trauma and damage. Katie had to make the difficult decision to terminate Allie’s life support following the advice from doctors.

Allie died on August 3.

Katie said: “In sharing Allie’s story, we want to make people more aware of the signs and symptoms of STEC HUS.

"I keep thinking that if I had known about the condition, then I would have probably taken Allie to hospital sooner and it wouldn’t have ended the way it did.

"Allie was such a beautiful, happy girl and we are all utterly heartbroken. We still can’t believe she is gone.

“Allie was an intelligent, beautiful and independent little lady.

"She was always giving kisses and cuddles at home, and always wanted to be sat on someone’s knee or to be picked up and carried around.

“Allie loved baking, playing with her dolls, playing nurse and she was always sticking plasters on us and our dogs.

"I bought her a nurse’s outfit and doctor’s bag full of equipment for her birthday but she never got to see them.

"Allie also loved watching Peppa Pig and singing nursery rhymes.

“There is now a massive hole in our home and our hearts. We all miss her dearly. She should not have died. She had so much to give.

“While nothing will bring her back, we need to know what caused her illness and if anything could have been done to prevent it.

“We all suffered gastric illness and there were a number of people complaining of being unwell during our stay at the hotel, but we didn’t anticipate how serious it could be.”

The family have now instructed specialist international serious injury lawyers, Irwin Mitchell, to investigate what happened.

Public Health England is also currently investigating the matter, and an inquest has been opened to examine the circumstances surrounding Allie’s death.

Jatinder Paul, a Senior Associate Solicitor and specialist international serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing the family, said: “Allie’s family are understandably heartbroken at the loss of their lovely little girl and are struggling to come to terms with what happened.

“Through our work we are sadly only too aware of the potentially devastating consequences of serious illnesses such as STEC and E.coli, particularly for children, which are only highlighted by Allie’s sad death.

“This is every parent’s worst nightmare and we are supporting Katie and her family through this difficult time and are now investigating how Allie contracted her illness.

“As part of our investigations, we are looking into the family’s stay at the Crystal Sunset Luxury Resort and Spa and if any issues are identified, we hope that measures will be taken to ensure this does not happen again.”
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Katie Dawson went to the all-inclusive resort with partner, Wayne Birchall, 35, and children, Bobbi Birchall, nine, and Casey Calland, 15.

The couple, who both run their own window cleaning business, spent around £4,000 for the 10-day break.

Katie, 35, told how meals were served in a buffet style, with the family eating mostly English food.

Allie was eating chicken nuggets, mash and peas and chips, along with cereal and ice cream.

Katie said: "We all suffered, apart from Allie, from gastric problems while we were away.

"I was bedridden for a couple of days but the others weren't as bad as me.

"Allie was totally fine for the whole of the holiday, she had an absolutely brilliant holiday. She loved it.

"When Allie first got poorly we had no idea it would be linked to the holiday.

"We are hoping to get to the bottom of what caused this."

Today (TUES) it emerged that holidaymakers as far back as two years ago had claimed they found poo in the pool at the resort.

One woman said on TripAdvisor: "They also close [sic] the main pool because their [sic] was poo in the water we also seen [sic] someone change a baby's nappy then washed [sic] the baby's bottom in the pool."

The review was posted on September 8, 2017 and rated the resort as three out of five.

A spokesperson from Jet2.com said: “We are very sorry to hear about these tragic circumstances, and we would like to offer our heartfelt condolences to Ms. Dawson and her family at this very difficult time. As lawyers have been instructed, it would be inappropriate for us to make any further comment.”

Diablo the baby porcupine and Fig the sausage dog are the best of friends

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A pair of best friends could end up in a sticky situation if their rough-and-tumble goes too far - because a sausage dog is pals with a baby porcupine.

Porcupette Diablo made friends with little puppy Fig under the watchful eye of surrogate mum Estelle Morgan, who is hand-rearing the spiny little critter because he got rejected by his mum.

Zookeeper Estelle took the tiny porcupette home to give him the best chance of survival when his mum Hannah rejected him at Cotswold Wildlife Park in Oxfordshire.

When Diablo was just a few days old, Estelle introduced him to her puppy Fig for some company and essential social interactions to help his development, and the pair soon became best friends.

The prickly pair now spend all day playing together, but will only have a few more days before Diablo has to leave - and go back to the zoo.

Estelle said: "It’s safe to say they have become best friends.

"When Diablo gets excited he will do a buckaroo-style run, where he thrashes his head around and jumps up in the air.

"Under close supervision, they will run around the garden together and Fig has been very gentle and patient with Diablo."

Diablo was born to parents Hannah and Prickle at Cotswold Wildlife Park in Burford.

But the decision was made to hand-rear the baby porcupine when his mother rejected him.

She said: "Hannah previously had twins in February that she is still caring for, so it is likely she wasn’t really ready for another baby so soon.

"His unexpected arrival was a big surprise for all of us."

Little Diablo was very feisty from birth but is now showing his softer side and building his social skills with best buddy Fig.

He is currently being bottle-fed by Estelle in her kitchen at her home which is located within the wildlife park.

Estelle said: "When Diablo was first born he was very feisty and wasn’t scared to give me a nip.

"However now he has settled into a good routine and will comfortably follow me around the kitchen and will even come to me for reassurance."

When Estelle began hand-rearing Diablo, he weighed just 300g and has grown to a whopping 1.8kg.

For the first month, he was fed one bottle every two hours to get him into a good routine.

But at six weeks old, he is now tasting solid foods and has developed a liking for apples and sweet potatoes.

Estelle said: "My most stand out moment hand-rearing Diablo was when he latched on and suckled on his own from the bottle for the first time.

"This happened when he was three days old and was just a huge relief for me - the first few days are always worrying.

"Now, at six weeks old, he is tasting solid foods - sweet potatoes and apples are his favourites - so he can go longer in-between feeds which also means I’ve been able to get more sleep."
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From Russia with love: Four-year-old girl's message in a bottle travelled 5,000 miles from Spain to MOSCOW

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A four-year-old British girl who threw a message in a bottle into the sea in Spain was stunned to receive a reply - from a couple in MOSCOW.

Taylor Powell tossed the bottle into the water on the third day of her holiday in Santa Susanna near Barcelona.

She included a picture of herself and a note which read: “If you find this picture, please respond with a name of your country and a picture."

And she was amazed when her dad Ritchie, 31, received a text from a couple named Sasha and Alex who said they found it in Moscow's Moskva River.

They sent a photograph of Taylor's note along with a Google Maps image showing their location and a note signed ‘From Russia with love’.

Experts reckon the only way it could have made the journey by sea was to travel at least 5,000 miles across the Bay of Biscay, around the Shetland Islands and across the North Sea.
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Ritchie said: "When I told Taylor someone had replied to the message, her face completely lit up. She was so happy.

"I asked them to send proof and received a pin of their location to my phone. We were absolutely ecstatic.

“We told Taylor her the bottle will pass by mermaids and sharks - for it to turn up in Moscow is magical for her. She’s so excited."

Ritchie and Taylor, from Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, were on a four-day holiday to Santa Susanna, 37 miles from Barcelona on Spain’s north east coast.

They were joined by Ritchie’s girlfriend Milly Templeton-Browne, 22, who helped Taylor pen the letter, which included her dad's mobile number and read:

“Hello my name is Taylor Powell, I am four years old and on holiday in Spain with my daddy.

“If you find this picture, please respond with a name of your country and a picture.

“Love Taylor xxx”

Their hotel was situated beside the seafront - and she dispatched the bottle on May 19.

Car salesman Ritche said: “Taylor made a wish when she threw the bottle into the sea.

“She kissed it and said ‘I wish I could be a mermaid’."

Ritchie and Milly, an administrator at Weston College, were driving to Parklife festival in Manchester on June 7 when they received the text from a Russian mobile number.

It was accompanied by a picture of Taylor’s note held in a woman’s hand and a Google Maps pin showing their location.

The text read: "We hope your holiday in Spain was great - from Russia with Love, Sasha and Alex.”
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The dad-of-one posted the story on his Facebook page - and received more than 300 likes with dozens of heartfelt messages.

Dr Adrian New, a scientist at the National Oceanography Centre, said it is possible for the bottle to have reached Russia by water.

This would involve it travelling around Portugal to the Bay of Biscay and up to Rockall Trough, west of Ireland.

The bottle would then float around the northerly tip of Scotland to the Shetland Islands before entering the North Sea.

Next, it would transition into the Baltic Sea before arriving at western Russia and continue north-eastwards along the north-western coast of Norway - arriving in Northern Russia.

However, Dr New said he would expect the journey to take “longer than just one month”.

He said: “From Spain there is a generally northwards current called the Shelf Edge Current (SEC) which runs along the upper regions of the continental shelf break.

“This is where the shallow shelf sea waters get suddenly deeper and plunge down typically from 100-200m depth to 4000m depths or so.

“The SEC is usually in water depths around 500m or so.

“This could take the bottle northwards along Portugal, around the shelf break in the Bay of Biscay, then up through the Rockall Trough west of Ireland, then up to the north of Scotland and Shetland.

“Here it could then either turn southwards into the North Sea and possibly transit into the Baltic and then arrive in western/southern Russia, or it could continue north-eastwards along the north-western coast of Norway and from there arrive in Northern Russia.”

Spurs fans MISS Tottenham’s incredible Champions League comeback after getting too drunk and leaving the stadium at half time - thinking it was full time

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A family of Spurs fans MISSED Tottenham’s incredible Champions League comeback after they got too drunk and left the stadium at half time - thinking it was FULL TIME.

Lifelong Spurs fans James, Michael and Will Perkins stormed out of Ajax’s Johan Cruijff Arena when the score was 2-0 and “all hope seemed lost”.

The father and son trio thought their beloved Spurs were seconds away from Champions League semi-final heartbreak so headed for the exit - just before the 45th minute.

However, there was still a full half of football left to play in Amsterdam on Wednesday night - which turned out to be 45 minute spell that will go down in club history.

Tottenham went on to win the match 3-2, after Lucas Moura scored the second half hattrick with less than 60 seconds left to play.

But Spurs season ticket holders, James, Michael and Will, from south London, missed the whole thing - after sinking 12 pints each before the match and mistaking half time for full time.

Social media producer James, 23, said: “We just thought there was no way we were going to score three goals in less than five minutes.

“We were pretty poor and were having no chances at all. We all left just before half time - thinking it was full time.

“We didn’t look like we were ever going to score. All three of us were pretty drunk and just didn’t think we were going to score.

“No one was talking and everyone thought the game was over at that point. We thought we were leaving at the perfect time and wanted to beat the rush out of the ground.”

Boozed up and miserable, the three heartbroken fans began to make their way back to their hotel in central Amsterdam.

But as they stood on metro train station platform, James received a phone call from a friend .. just as the second half was getting underway.

It was then that the penny dropped and James realised he had walked out of the stadium at half time rather than full time.
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Whilst he was on the phone to his friend, Spurs scored the first of their three goals, which sparked the start of a memorable comeback.

James, Michael and Will rushed back to their hotel and managed to catch the last half an hour of the match in the hotel bar.

He took off his shirt and ran around the bar and celebrated as if he was still stood in the stands when the final goal went in and Spurs sealed a sensational victory.

James added: “We were stood waiting for the train and my friend called me. He couldn’t believe we had left. He said the game was still going on.

“He told me when Spurs scored the first goal. I was so confused. But then I realised no one was stood around us waiting for a train.

“We were able to watch in the bar and to be honest, I’m fine with it now. I was still excited to be watching because of what was happening.

“I was just happy we were coming back. It’s still amazing to see us reach the final.

“It was an unbelievable feeling when we had won. I took my shirt off and started running around.

“Obviously, it would have been better to be there but it was still an incredible experience for sure. We celebrated as if we were still at the ground.”

James paid 64 euros for his ticket and has travelled around Europe all season watching Spurs in the Champions League.

James, his dad and his brother arrived in Amsterdam for the Champions League semi-final second leg at 1pm on Wednesday, and spent the seven hours before kick off drinking.

They arrived at the ground in time for the 8pm kick off, but due to a drunken mix-up, missed the start of the match.

Blurry-eyed James even tried to get into the Amsterdam Arena using a ticket for an old Tottenham match.

He arrived at his seat ten minutes into the match - when Spurs were already losing - and meant he thought he had missed a full half of football.

James said: “We thought we had left at the perfect time to beat the rush at full time.

“I left and my dad and brother followed me.

“I’m still happy but that’s the last time I ever leave a football match early.”

James is hoping to attend the Champions League Final in Madrid with his dad and brother on June 1.

Spurs will take on Liverpool at the Estadio Metropolitano, where one team will be crowned the champions of Europe.

Harrowing 999 call captures terrifying moment a violent thug broke into his ex-girlfriend's home to beat her semi-conscious

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A harrowing 999 call captures the moment a violent thug smashed his way into his ex-girlfriend's home where he beat her semi-conscious and stabbed her with a knife.

Aaron Marsden Booth, 27, can be heard breaking through the front door of his ex-partner’s home as she screams in terror and begs for help from police.

She desperately asks call handlers: "Can I have the police please, my boyfriend is breaking in. He is kicking my door down can you hurry up?"

A loud noise of the door being smashed in can be heard in the background before the she lets out a "blood-curdling scream" and pleads: "Please, don't hurt me."

Booth can be heard telling her: "What I'm going to do...I'm going to f***ing kill you." before the phone line cuts dead.

The abusive yob then battered the beauty salon worker semi-conscious in her own home before she was able to flee from the property in Glossop, Derbys.

Booth then stabbed his victim in the street in front of police officers who were arriving at the scene before holding the blade to her throat.

Officers, armed only armed only with batons and capture spray, pleaded with him to not harm her further and he eventually walked away and returned to her address.

He then forced armed police into a three-hour standoff as his ex girlfriend was rushed to hospital following the shocking incident in February this year.

Booth went on to plead guilty to wounding with intent and was jailed for 14 years as his victim, now 31, bravely watched on from the public gallery at Manchester Crown Court

Shocking injury pictures released by Derbyshire Police after the case also show the victim, who the force have not named, with horrific facial bruising and swelling.

Judge Richard Mansell QC praised her in helping bring Booth to justice and ensuring that others would not become a victim at his hands.

He told her: “You have been brave in the extreme. You have not just protected yourself; you have protected other women.”

The victim said Booth was "charming" when they first met in 2017 and, despite warnings from pals about his previous behaviour, began a relationship with him the following year.

She came to realise why her friends were concerned as his abusive behaviour came to the fore in May 2018 when he began drinking to excess and taking drugs.

Sentencing, Judge Mansell added: “When at home, you would bully and degrade her by spitting, flicking cigarettes or throwing household items at her, as well as calling her names.

“You pursued her by turning up at her home and the beauty salon where she worked and contacting her friends, but then left her alone for about a month.

“However, you met up with her in July 2018 and persuaded her that you would change and so she agreed to start seeing you again.

“Very soon you reverted to the same kind of behaviour.”

In the September of that year Booth threatened to kill his victim before wrapping both his hands around her neck as if to strangle her.

His victim tried repeatedly to break of their relationship. But each time Booth would bombard her with calls and texts and force her, through emotional blackmail, to retract her complaints made against him.

The evening prior to the assault, Booth’s victim had been enjoying a night out with her friends - during which he was caught on CCTV following her from pub to pub.

In the footage Booth could be seen becoming increasingly angry as the night went on, before finally his victim had to lock herself in a toilet to get away from him.

After Booth, of Glossop, was ejected from the pub, his victim left the bar and went home to bed before he turned up at her front door demanding to be let in.

His victim called police as he attempted to kick the front door down.
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Judge Mansell said: “She was crying and pleading with the operator to hurry up because you were trying to break in.

“After a few moments, there is a huge bang and she lets out a blood-curdling scream of terror as you smashed a window and climbed into the house.

“You immediately set about beating her up, knocking her to the ground and punching her repeatedly about the face.

“All that could be heard was her moaning in pain.

“This was a sustained and brutal assault on a defenceless woman.”

Leaving her in a semi-conscious state on the floor with multiple fractures to her face, Booth grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

Realising he had a knife in his hand, his victim managed to run from the house but Booth caught up with her stabbing her repeatedly in the legs and side.

Police officers witnessed the stabbing and urged Booth to put the knife down – instead he grabbed his victim, holding the knife to her throat and telling officers he would kill her if they came any nearer.

Eventually the officers managed to talk Booth away from the woman – and he walked back to the house in Sumners Place, Glossop.

Locking himself in the property - armed officers were forced into a three hour standoff before he eventually threw his weapons out of the window and was arrested.

After being charged with attempted murder, Booth went on to plead guilty to a section 18 assault – wounding with intent.

He must serve at least nine years in prison before he can apply for parole and once freed must serve six years on licence.

He was also handed an indefinite restraining order which prohibits Booth from contacting his victim.

Detective Constable Graham Millar, of Derbyshire Police, said after the case: “I would first like to praise the bravery shown by his victim.

“The incident in February was the culmination of months of physical and mental abuse by Booth.

“His behaviour ground down a strong, independent, young woman – causing her to lose more than two stone in weight as Booth’s campaign of abuse continued.

“This all came to a head in February. In what should have been a place of safety, she pleaded for her life as he beat and stabbed her.

“Anyone hearing that call cannot help but feel a part her terror as he smashed his way into the house.

“It is testament to her bravery and strength that was able to bring charges against Booth.

“She showed that same strength, dignity and bravery throughout the court process – even when it appeared she may have to give evidence against Booth – and ended in her sitting in court watching him be jailed for 14 years.

“I hope the sentence handed to Booth brings a degree of closure to this chapter in her life.

“I would also like to take this moment pay tribute to the officers who were first on the scene that night.

"Armed with only their batons and captor spray they were faced with a situation that could easily have led to a far more tragic ending.

“Their actions on that night were, quite simply, incredible. They are an absolute credit to the force and I am proud to call them fellow Derbyshire Constabulary officers.”

Following the case, victim Zahra Rechelle took to social media to thank well-wishers for their support and shared the shocking video released by police.

She wrote: "I obviously knew and agreed to this being shared, but only this!

"I know it’s horrific to hear and he’s evil.

"But the police saved me, my eyebrows still look delightful in them awful pictures, we now live by the beach with the best family and friends and he has to do a minimum of 9 years in prison!

"Thank you to everyone’s messages, so overwhelming makes me cry."

Pal Leah Mae Rudge replied:" This literally broke my heart. I love you babe, I’m so glad you’re safe and the other side of all this now xxxxxxxxx"

Summer Coppock added: "I've never heard anything like this.. not even on a horror movie! Its actually made me cry. You're such a strong woman Zahra Rechelle and I'm so glad you're okay now."

Emma Charles wrote: "Unreal, what an amazing woman you are for standing up to him and sharing this to try help others. Love and hugs."
Video by: Steve Chatterley