Is this the cutest sea creature ever?
Keen diver Yusuke Fukami fulfilled a personal dream by snapping a cartoon-like Costasiella sea slug while in Bali.
He says: “One of the diving points was in Tulamben, a small fishing village on the north-east coast.
“Meeting this creature was the biggest purpose why we visited Tulamben, so when we finally found one I was really delighted to have achieved my purpose.”

Yusuke, from Kanagawa in Japan, went on his trip in December with the local Noble Bali Tulamben diving resort.
He adds: “It was so cute that I was like “Ahhhhhhhh it’s cuuuuuuute” when I was taking photo of it in the sea.”
Discovered in 1993 off the coast of the Japanese island Kuroshima, Costasiella kuroshimae are also found in waters near the Philippines.