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A mum-of-three was left in tears when a kind stranger brought her distraught son home after he lost his football bag – and then gave the family £100 to replace the lost kit.

Sarah Sims said her son, Ashton Cayton, nine, was left “sobbing his heart out” as he desperately ran around in the rain on Saturday, trying to find his bag with all his football kit in.

She said a kind stranger walking her dog in the park took pity on Ashton and brought him home – but then, unbeknownst to the family, went back to the park to carry on looking for the bag.

And when the woman could not find Ashton’s lost belongings, she returned to Sarah’s house and slipped a note through the door – with £100 enclosed for replacement kit.

Fitness instructor Sarah, from Barry, south Wales, says she was moved to tears by the kind gesture – and now wants to find the Good Samaritan and thank her properly.

The single mum said: “She turned up at my house like a fairy godmother.

“Not only did she bring my upset son home, she went back out to try to find his football stuff, then wrote that wonderful letter and gave money.

“Ashton said he was freezing, soaking wet, running round crying his eyes out, trying to find his bag.

“With me being a recently single mum, my kids know the value of money, and he was so upset and worried how we would replace his stuff, especially his new trainers.

“This was just a beautiful gesture and we are so grateful. Such a beautiful random act of kindness that was so selfless it had me in tears,” Sarah added.

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The kind stranger’s note was slipped through Sarah’s letterbox as she was bathing her children Frazer Cayton, 11, Ashton, nine, and daughter Cali Cayton, six.

It read: “To the little boy who lost his bag – hi, I looked for your bag but could not find it (sorry!).

“I remember when I was little and I lost something. I was so upset and we had no money to replace it either. Mum and I looked everywhere.

“I hope that you get a new pair of football boots. Here is £100 for you and mum towards replacements.

“Work hard in school and do something nice for someone.”

The note is signed from “The lady and her dog”.

Sarah said: “Everything about it is simply beautiful. I am so grateful for this generous selfless act and for teaching my kids a wonderful lesson.”

Ashton, who plays for Park Lions football club in Barry, now wants to put the money towards replacing his football bag, boots, and shin pads.

But Sarah added: “He also wants to do something for charity. He said he wants to help the homeless as it must be awful for them to be outdoors in this weather.

“Ashton is the most loyal boy, he is so kind and caring and will do anything for me and his siblings.

“This note deserves to be shared for this wonderful person to get the recognition she deserves.”

When asked what he would say to the woman, Ashton said: “Thank you very much for that money, and thanks for searching for my bag.”

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