By Lottie Von Henning

This video shows a house covered top to bottom – in a swarm of bugs.

Footage shows Mormon crickets – also known as katydids – all over the property in Spring Creek, Nevada.

It’s thought that drought conditions encourage outbreaks of swarms.

In the video, thousands of crickets can be seen climbing up the walls, windows and even open windows with nothing but a screen preventing them from entering the house. (Pix via SWNS)

Nevada is currently in its dry season, which lasts from May to September.

Clips show thousands of the bugs climbing the exterior of the home – although none managed to get in, reports say.

Craig Chamberlain posted the video on TikTok.

One commenter said: “Noooo I would leave!”

Another added: “Burn it down” – referring to the building itself.

This video was filmed on May 18, 2024.

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