A mom found out she was pregnant with twins just five months after giving birth—and now she’s raising the children as triplets.
Chancè Hindir-Lane, 30, thought she was suffering from postpartum nausea and irregular periods weeks after giving birth to her oldest son, now five.
But during a postnatal check-up with her obstetrician in June 2020, she was given a routine pregnancy test.
The test came back positive—and an ultrasound revealed she was six weeks pregnant with twins.
Now, four years later, Chancè is raising the siblings as triplets, along with her youngest child, who is two.

She throws them joint birthday parties every year and says they have a “very close bond.”
Chancè, a content creator from Charlotte, North Carolina, said: “I thought I needed to go on birth control—but my doctor said I was pregnant with twins.
“I couldn’t believe I was seeing double—first, you’re telling me I’m pregnant with one baby—now, two.
“We kind of feel like we’re raising them as triplets—my eldest was still breastfeeding when I gave birth to the girls.”
On January 8, 2020, at 2:30 p.m., Chancè gave birth to her oldest child after a long and challenging pregnancy.
He weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and the pair stayed in the hospital for five days afterward due to Chancè hemorrhaging after labor.

Six weeks after coming home, the new mom realized she hadn’t started her period—but put this down to her recovery after birth.
“I’ve always struggled with irregular periods, so I didn’t think anything of it,” Chancè said.
“I spoke to my nurse about it, and she told me not to worry.
“She explained how hard it would be to get pregnant just a few weeks after giving birth.”
Chancè says she wasn’t allowed to start birth control at that time—guidelines recommend moms wait at least six weeks before resuming the combined pill or contraceptive patch.
At almost five months postpartum, and with no sign of her period, she discovered she felt sick at the smell of coffee—which she now realizes was a “telltale” sign of pregnancy.
She added: “I’m a heavy coffee drinker, but when I’m pregnant, I can’t stand the smell of it.
“I was on a trip to Quebec in June, and I was standing in Tim Hortons, and I had to leave because I couldn’t stand it.”
Thinking her hormones just needed to settle down, Chancè booked an appointment with her obstetrician shortly after arriving back in the U.S., believing birth control might help.
On June 18, 2020, she was told by her doctor to take a routine urine pregnancy test—something she always had to do during appointments.
But after returning the dipstick test to her obstetrician, she was “shocked” to find out she was pregnant again.
“I was shocked and so scared at how quickly it happened,” Chancè said.
“I thought: ‘How am I going to manage two kids under the age of two?’
“Having my son, I already knew it was quite a lot.”

But Chancè got a further shock when a sonographer gave her a transvaginal ultrasound and found two embryos in her womb.
The mom was sitting “in disbelief” after being told she was pregnant with twins.
Her immediate reaction was to begin planning for the new arrivals—as well as telling her family members.
She said: “As soon as I told my mom, she told me she’d been having dreams about me having twins and prayed on it.
“My sister said the same thing—they felt like I was always going to have twins eventually.”
The twins, now four, were born on January 10, 2021, at 7:40 and 7:42 p.m.—just two days after their brother’s birthday.
They weighed 3 pounds, 13 ounces, and 4 pounds—and needed to stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) for “weeks” afterward.
For the first seven months, Chancè breastfed all three of her children—which helped them to create a “triplet-like” bond.

Their first birthday party was a joint one, with all the family invited.
Chancè says they were a “team of three,” which has since expanded to four with the arrival of their younger brother.
“The twins adjusted really funnily to being older sisters,” she added.
“They kept looking at their baby brother and going: ‘No.’
“But they’re such a little team of four—the bond is so special.”