Editorial Standards Policy

Version 0.1. Updated September 2024


Our editorial standards policy is designed to ensure we produce high-quality, accurate, and engaging content that adheres to journalistic standards and ethics.

We are committed to editorial independence, factual reporting, and the respect of copyright.

We adopt the Code of Practice set out by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) https://www.ipso.co.uk/editors-code-of-practice/

All SWNS editorial staff undergo the necessary training to be compliant with the IPSO code and are required to operate within its guidelines at all times.


Editorial Process

Story Ideation and Planning

  • Story leads and ideas are gathered from multiple sources, including but not limited to:
    • Local media (both commercial syndication partners and others)
    • Press releases, both commercial and government/state organisations such as police, fire, local authorities etc
    • External freelance and ad-hoc contributors, eg syndication partners
    • Court cases and tribunals
    • Live news events, both scheduled and breaking
    • Story-gathering websites operated by SWNS, such as talktothepress.com
    • Digital and social media
    • Academic and scientific journals
    • Creative ideation around the daily news agenda
  • Editorial teams meet from 8am daily to pitch story ideas, discuss their merit, and allocate resource accordingly. This process is led by senior news editors.
  • Ideas are evaluated based on newsworthiness, relevance to target publications, and commercial potential.
  • Approved story ideas are assigned to writers, who are briefed and monitored throughout the production process by senior editors.


Content Creation

Staff writers:

  • Perform background research on subject or topic – check previous articles and similar subject matter to evaluate newsworthiness and assess new angles.
  • Contact people relevant to the story by phone, email or social media as necessary to conduct interviews, verify existing facts, and illicit new ones.
  • Secure copyright and appropriate licensing rights in accordance with our Rights Policy.
  • Liaise with editor before writing to discuss any changes in brief or proposed angle following research and interviews.
  • Write draft article adhering to house style / writing guide
  • Submit to editor for fact checking, amendments and/or revisions

External contributors and content from syndication partners:

  • External contributors are either commissioned to undertake work on behalf of SWNS or submit / ‘pitch’ story ideas, pictures and video for consideration.
  • All assignments are commissioned by senior editors who give detailed briefs and desired outcomes.
  • Submissions are made via a number of routes including but not limited to:
  • Direct sends to news and picture desk email accounts
  • Via owned and operated websites such as talktothepress.com
  • To the submissions section of our CMS https://swns.live/stories/
  • Direct to reporters, photographers and/or editors
  • All submissions are initially assessed for newsworthiness by an editor who will ensure any necessary licensing rights or copyright permissions have been obtained.
  • Content from syndication partners is covered by legal indemnity and SWNS therefore has the contractual right to reproduce these stories as provided.
  • However, editors may assign this material to an SWNS staff member to verify, check facts and/or enhance the material where required.

Editing and Fact-Checking

The following applies to all content, whether created in-house, by commission, or by an external contributor.

Written articles:

  • Editors review all submitted content for quality, accuracy, and adherence to editorial standards
  • Editors and reporters will use all reasonable endeavours to verify facts and sources
  • Editors work with writers on any necessary revisions
  • Copyright and licensing permissions and protocols are checked
  • Legally sensitive stories are highlighted for additional scrutiny, and if required external legal advice is sought

Visual Assets:

  • Photo or video editors select and edit images to accompany stories
  • Graphics team creates data visualizations and illustrations as needed
  • All visuals are reviewed to ensure they meet quality standards and copyright requirements
  • Picture and/or video editors will make reasonable endeavours to ensure the material falls within our copyright and licensing protocols
  • Identities of people and places in visual assets are checked to ensure accuracy
  • Detailed captions are created to ensure correct people, places and circumstances are communicated to end clients

Final Approval:

  • All content is given final approval by an Editor, Head of Department, Editor-in-Chief or Managing Director before publication
  • Any content not meeting standards is revised or held from publication

Publication and Distribution:

  • Approved content is formatted for print and/or digital platforms
  • Content is published and distributed via a number of routes, individually or simultaneously, on:
  • Our owned and operated content portal SWNS.live. This is a closed system, by invitation only, and accessed via individual password
  • External news wire ‘pushing’ content into client CMS systems
  • Direct email sends to client news and picture desks, or individuals therein
  • RSS and MRSS feeds direct to publisher clients
  • Websites owned and operated by SWNS, such as https://discover.swns.com/ (password protected)
  • Social media channels owned and operated by SWNS on platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.


Updates, corrections and complaints

  • Factual errors are corrected promptly, with corrections clearly noted and sent to client publishers under agreed protocols.
  • Articles on our platform www.swns.live may be updated with new information at any time.
  • Complaints are handled in accordance with our Complaints Procedure
  • Complaints made via our publisher clients are handled as a matter of urgency by senior editors and/or the Editor in Chief or Managing Director.

By following these Editorial Standards and Process, we aim to consistently produce high-quality content that informs and engages while maintaining journalistic accuracy, integrity and fair dealing with third parties.


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