Mom Nicole Taylor was stunned to give birth to a baby boy weighing a whopping 11 lbs 7 oz and said, “I’m glad I had a C-section.”
Nicole – who is just 5’2″ – says the size of her second son George even shocked surgeons when he was delivered on October 17.
The average weight of a newborn baby boy in the U.S. is around 7 lbs 8 oz, meaning George was almost 50% heavier than the average newborn.
She and her husband, 6’1″ Tommy, 33, had to remove the newborn insert from their car seat to bring George home from Leeds General Infirmary, as it was too small for him.
He was also instantly in size two diapers and 0-3 month clothes because none of his newborn clothes fit him.

Legal PA Nicole, 30, who wears a size 10-12, said, “The week before I was due, I decided to go for a C-section as they told me about all the risks associated with having him naturally.
“I’m so glad I did, as I think it would have been horrific.
“I was really shocked because he looked so big. All the surgeons were saying, ‘He’s massive!’ They couldn’t wait to get him on the scale.
“They said he could be the biggest baby born at LGI in five years. Tom and I were like, ‘Oh my god, he’s massive.’
“I was a bit concerned there might be something wrong with him being so big, but he’s had all his checks, and he’s fine.”

Mom-of-two Nicole, from Leeds, said she’d been told during her pregnancy that George was likely to be big.
She had started to show quite early in the pregnancy, and the couple’s first son, Leo, now eight, weighed 8 lbs 12 oz when he was born.
But she was left stunned by George’s size when he was delivered.
She added, “I started to show quite early, but people were saying, ‘You do show quicker with your second,’ so I didn’t think anything of it.
“At the scan, they were saying he’s a big baby and measured him at 9 lbs 2 oz at 39 weeks. One of the nurses said, ‘You must just make big babies.’
“He’s lovely, he’s thriving, he just won’t stop having a bottle. He has a five-ounce bottle every two hours, and it’s not enough for him.”

Nicole and George were allowed home two days after the birth, and the baby is now settling into family life.
The beaming mom added, “Leo was so good; he was excited to be a big brother.
“He was in school when George came, and they announced it in assembly, and everyone cheered.
“He is heavy. We’ve had lots of visitors, and they still can’t believe his size. Some people have struggled to hold him for long.
“He’s chunky but beautiful. I’m just absolutely over the moon. He’s absolutely beautiful, and such a nice baby.”