By Freddie Noble

This is the sweet moment a new dad met his baby son for the first time two months after he was born.

Ellie Gorley, 24, met now-hubby Oguzcan Aktaş, 25, when they were working together at a hotel in Turkey.

But via complications meant he couldn’t join her back in the UK for the birth of this son.

Finally his visa was granted and an adorable video shows him meeting Ruben at the airport after he touched down in the UK.

Ellie, a caterer, from Maryport, Cumbria, said: “It was the best feeling in the world. Me and Oguzcan hasn’t seen each other since January either.”

Oguzcan said: “After I received the visa, I was filled with excitement because there was nothing stopping me from going to my newborn son and my wife.

“When I first saw them at the airport I felt like I had returned to my home, which I had been away from for years, and it was a great feeling.”

Ellie met Oguzcan while working as a caterer in Turkey in 2022 in the same hotel.

Ellie said it was love at first sight as Oguzcan took her out on plenty of dates including an ice cream date by the beach.

Ellie said: “I liked that he wasn’t the same as the other boys that worked in the hotel
he was the quiet and shy one.”

After becoming official in May 2022, Ellie found out she was pregnant in August 2023.

Ellie said: “It was amazing – I cried for days.”

They married in January 2024 in Marmaris, Turkey, surrounded by their friends and family.

Ellie said: “It wasn’t a big wedding, we just wanted close family there. We wanted no fuss.”

Ellie had to leave her new husband and fly back to the UK for the rest of her pregnancy.

The pregnancy was straight forward and Ruben was born on March 19, 2024, at West Cumberland Hospital, Cumbria weighing 6lbs 7oz.

Oguzcan wasn’t able to be at the birth as his visa application had not been accepted.

Oguzcan said: “Not being able to be there when Ellie gave birth and not being able to do anything was one of the moments I felt most helpless in my life.

“Even though the surgery only lasted half an hour, it felt like it had lasted hours, but after the surgery, her sister Amy video called me, which reassured me a bit.”

The first time he met his daughter was over Facetime.

Oguzcan’s visa was finally accepted on April 17 and he arrived in the UK two days later (19).

Ellie said the introduction at the airport was the “best feeling in the world”.

Ellie said: “I couldn’t believe it was happening to be honest, It was a bit surreal.

Oguzcan added: “Now, life has become better with the happiness and morale of living with my wife and child. It’s my 2nd week in England and everything continues to get better.”

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