A travel-mad dad proudly shows off his holiday photos – from six of the seven wonders of the world.
Intrepid Imran Fazil, 41, has spent a whopping £9,000 and trekked over 20,000 miles as part of his bid to visit each landmark.
So far, he’s ticked off the Colosseum in Rome, Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu, Chichén Itzá in Mexico and Petra in Jordan.

The feat is based on the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, a list of notable structures that were present during 8th century BC and the 5th century AD.
Imran hopes to visit the Taj Mahal in India to complete the challenge, with wife Sehrish, 36, and children Aisha, 12, Maria 11, and Adam, nine.
He said: “I’m looking forward to completing it because they are all iconic places around the world.
“The Taj Mahal is a symbol of love so I felt like because I’ve never taken my wife and kids to the other places, this was the perfect one.
“I am Pakistani so going to the Taj Mahal with my children would be the finishing touch.”
Imran first visited the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, in 2008, which is one of the new wonders of the world.
Bit by the travel bug, he wanted to complete the rest of the challenge and visit the other countries.

As part of his travels, Imran paid a trip to the Great Pyramids in Egypt where the only surviving of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World stands.
Imran, a secondary school ICT and PE teacher, said: “From a young age, I wanted to always travel.
“When I went to Rome in 2008 it had loads of beautiful; places like the Vatican and the Colosseum. Just so much history.
“I found out it was one of the new wonders of the world so it has always been on my list to do the others.”
Imran, of Bradford, West Yorks., says the Machu Picchu in Peru is his favourite place that he’s visited, because it was “memorising.”
He said: “When I went to Peru, it was quite backdated in terms of the cars, technology, and the culture as a whole.
“It was very different to England and other countries.
“Each one of them has its own unique experiences but the Machu Picchu was just memorising.
“I would encourage people to go see these wonderful places.
“With each one, you get to feel the culture and see lots of other travellers from around the world.
“It was very interesting that it is not just me on this journey but everyone around the world.”

Imran has previously visited various other countries including America, Australia, Thailand and Japan.
But after completing the challenge, he hopes to go on holiday to Africa.
Imran said: “I knew I should travel to the seven wonders, so I thought I should go there and continue traveling.
“I’ve not been to the proper parts of Africa, I’ve not explored that area.
“That will be a total different culture compared to what I’ve seen before.
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.
“Traveling to all of these countries has opened my mind up, to be grateful for what I have.”