Mum found five-year-old daughter stuffing her face with birthday cake she’d stolen from the living room
Image by: Sharon Pitcaithly
This adorable video shows the moment a mum found her five-year-old daughter stuffing her face with an entire birthday cake she'd stolen from the living room.
Five-year-old Bethany Pitcaithly Nelson pinched her mum Sharon's 50th birthday cake, after it was left on a table following the party.
Sharon discovered her daughter sat in the hallway in her nappy, shoving the massive cake into her mouth.
Home carer Sharon said she found it so funny, she couldn't resist taking a video of cheeky Bethany, in their home in Auchtermuchty in Fife, Scotland.
Image by: Sharon Pitcaithly
Image by: Sharon Pitcaithly
Image by: Sharon Pitcaithly
Sharon said: "The previous night, my children and all my family held a surprise 50th birthday party for me, and when I got home I left it on the living room table.
"It had been a fun but boozy night. I was a little tipsy.
"Bethany went into the living room the next evening, reached up, pulled the box off, then went into the hallway to hide and eat it.
"It was almost a full birthday cake. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her.
"Once I stopped filming, I sat down and had a bit of cake with her as well!"
Bethany tucked into the cake at around 9pm on June 16.
Sharon said mischievous Bethany gets into all sorts of bother when her mum's back is turned, and has even broken four TVs in six months.
Video by: Sharon Pitcaithly
Cat stuck on a bridge for SIX days has shocked her owner by wandering home - after a £5k rescue mission by firefighters was called off
Image by: TM Devonlive
A cat at the centre of a £5K mission to save her from a bridge simply wandered home - hours after rescuers had left.
Hatty the five-year-old Maine Coon-Serengeti cross had been perched on a ledge of the 'Brunel bridge' in Plymouth, Devon - for six DAYS.
Thousands of people followed her plight online and as crowds gathered to help some even tried to send up food - with catapults.
Fire crews and the RSPCA were dispatched and Network Rail were making arrangements to close the rail line over the bridge.
Firefighters arrived on Wednesday lunchtime and prepared the ground before sending up a massive ladder.
One rescuer scaled to the top armed with a large bag and tried to tempt the feline out - with 'Dreamies' cat treats.
But they failed to coax Hatty and the cat was last seen peering out from behind a crevice under the famous bridge.
Image by: Jon Mills
Image by: Jon Mills
Fire crews eventually called off the rescue - which costs the taxpayer about £500 an hour - on Wednesday at 5pm and vowed to return the next day.
But at 11.30pm after everyone had left Hatty simply clambered down and suddenly appeared at home - with evidence she'd eaten a SEAGULL to stave off the hunger.
Owner Kirsty Howden, 39, of Saltash, Cornwall, said she was "shocked and elated" that her beloved pet, who initially went missing from her home on May 11, had returned.
The mother-of-three said she had been about to leave the house to meet Network Rail and RSPCA staff at 11.30pm on Wednesday to attempt a second rescue attempt.
It is thought the total cost the the rescue involving staff from fire crews, the RSPCA and Network rail was around £5,000.
She said: "I was sat responding to comments, heard a meow outside, had a look through the window and there she was.
"She is a bit skinny and smelly, very vocal and has now headed upstairs and put herself to bed."
She said that Hatty appeared to seem very pleased to see her two dogs, and there was "kisses all round".
Just hours earlier a major operation to rescue Hatty was called off for the night.
She is believed to have been stuck on the Royal Albert Bridge, known locally as the 'Brunel Bridge' since last Thursday and has been missing from her home for two weeks.
Firefighters spent most of the day trying to coax her down and there were countless visits from RSPCA inspectors.
There were also arrangements in place by Network Rail for the train lines to be closed.
It is understood that at a cost of around £500 an hour the total bill for the rescue efforts was around £5,000.
But it seems that the five-year-old feline didn't need rescuing at all and Kirsty says she walked in like nothing had happened.
The cat first hit the headlines on Tuesday evening when a picture emerged of her being on the Royal Albert Bridge, also known as the 'Brunel bridge' which connects Plymouth and Saltash.
These had been taken by Dawn Lapthorn, admin of the popular Facebook page Plymouth UK Pets Lost and Found.
Image by: TM Devonlive
Image by: TM Devonlive
Dawn had been contacted by Kirsty Howden, who had seen photos of her missing kitty on the page.
Both of the women attended the bridge in a bid to look for Hatty, but at around 9pm on Tuesday contacted the fire service for help.
On Wednesday morning, fire crews, Network Rail and RSPCA inspectors worked together to try and attempt to get Hatty off of the bridge.
Firefighters from Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service spent most of Wednesday trying to coax Hatty out of a nook in one of the bridge pillars.
Dreamies and fish were used in a bid to coax the cat out, but nothing was successful - although she did manage to capture a seagull.
This attempted rescue was called off at around 5pm and at that point, Hatty's owner Kirsty had spent the best part of ten hours down at the foot of the bridge waiting for her safe arrival.
There were plans for the RSPCA, firefighters and Network Rail to meet at 11.30pm on Wednesday evening to attempt a second rescue.
There were also plans to close a section of the railway in the early hours of this morning so firefighters could carry out the rescue from the railway tracks.
But neither were needed and after she returned home, Kirsty has thanked everyone who helped in attempting to rescue Hatty, as well as everyone who offered support.
She added: "I'd like to thank Dawn for going above and beyond, Jim from the RSPCA for all his help, Saltash fire crew for all their efforts.
"I'd also like to thank the people who have followed Hatty's story and the community in Saltash for rallying around, especially the ones who tried so hard to help get Hatty home."
Man claims he has found his true calling as an undertaker - after being born Mr COFFIN
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
A man stuck in a 'dead end' job has retrained to find his true calling as an undertaker - after being born Mr COFFIN.
David Coffin, 33, said his surnma has been the butt of jokes all his life - so eventually decided to fulfil what he considered his destiny.
He admitted there was a certain inevitability about the job he'd end up doing - so described his move to "Walter C Parson Funeral Directors" no-brainer.
And Mr Coffin, of Plymouth, Devon, who said he has heard all the jokes, said he couldn't be happier.
He said: "It was a long-time joke with my family.
''My great uncle was in the funeral profession for a while - and it's always been said to me, 'Well, one day, you never know, you might be made for that job, too'.
"So here I am... and my name was certainly a tremendous ice-breaker during the interview."
David said he spotted a recruitment advert for Walter C Parson Ltd and went for his interview in July of this year. He started his new career the following month.
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
He added: "This role came up and at the time, I was looking and I did want a change of career.
"I was in a dead-end job where I didn't really have much to think about, and I just wanted to better myself.
"I thought it sounded like something I'd like to do - something that makes a difference for people every day - and that was the driving force behind my decision.
"I didn't want to be doing nothing, I wanted to make an impact on something. So I went for the job and, luckily, I was successful."
Needless to say, David is already thoroughly enjoying his new career and says it was the best decision he ever made.
One of his tasks involves being on call 24 hours a day and driving the limousines.
He added: "It has been a complete career-change and I'm really enjoying it. I haven't actually had a job before that I enjoy doing, and now I go home from work each day feeling like I've achieved something."
"One day we might have not much going on, and the next we could have three or four funerals to plan or attend.
"Something I've noticed since working for Walter C Parson is that every funeral is different and unique.
''People want a million different things for their loved ones. You get a great variety of requests - it's very personal and I really enjoy that aspect of the job."
Video by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Britain's oldest female kickboxer nicknamed 'The Beast' training for first fight aged 76
Image by: Adam Hughes SWNS
Image by: Adam Hughes SWNS
Image by: Adam Hughes SWNS
Britain’s oldest female kickboxer nicknamed "The Beast" is training for her first official fight – AGED 76.
Jean McKenzie Baldwin has had two knee replacements and suffers from arthritis but
her coach says she goes into “beast mode” in the ring.
The Scots-born gran is now preparing for her first bout when she takes on a woman 16 years her junior in a charity match next month.
She said: “I can’t explain how good it makes you feel. It’s so invigorating.
“Even though I’m full of arthritis I feel absolutely great.”
Jean, from Smisby, Derbys., took up the sport in a bid to combat her grief after her husband Peter died in 2013 aged 76.
She said: “When I lost Peter I didn’t want to speak to anybody, I didn’t want to do anything.
“It took me quite a few years to get my confidence back.
“My son suggested I take up a sport and I went along to a gym nearby and saw these people kickboxing and I just thought ‘why not give it a try’.”
Jean, who has three grandchildren, now works out three to four times a week at a kickboxing gym in nearby Swadlincote, Derbys.
Image by: Adam Hughes SWNS
She added: “My husband was one in a million and would certainly have approved of me getting in the ring. I would have said: ‘Good on you, girl. Go for it’.
“The grieving never really stops, but you’ve just to get out there. Stop sitting in the house all day long.
“Even though you have got all the wrinkles and grey hair, you will feel 20 years younger when I’m in the ring. I'm called The Beast which I think is hilarious.
“I’ve got my first bout coming up, it’s just for charity but I’m taking it very seriously.
“I’m going to go up against a woman in her 60s and I’m determined that I’m going to be the one that’s going to come out of it.
“It’s about speed and accuracy and watching out for your opponent’s weaknesses while defending yourself from kicks.
“I become totally focused in the ring and I just give it my all. It’s a wonderful feeling.
“I get my energy from willpower and more than anything pride.”
Her coach, Jamie Fearn, who co-owns Martial Sports Gym, said: “I say she goes into ‘Beast Mode’ She's so nice, but she does not stop.
“If I say to her, ‘don’t do this it’s too hard for you’ she’ll say ‘no, I’m going to do it’
Jean McKenzie Baldwin will be 77 when she fights her first competitive match early next year.
Her coach Jamie Kearn said: "I am a qualified referee so the match will be official but it will be more like an upscaled sparring match at the gym.
"As far as I am aware Jean is the oldest kickboxer training in the country and she will 77 by the time she steps into the ring."
Video by: Gabriella Petty
Couple kicked out of their home by the council - after skipping out on paying their rent - to splash their benefits on TAKEAWAYS
Image by: KM Group
A couple dubbed 'Wayne and Waynetta Slob' have been made homeless by the council after skipping out on paying their rent - to splash their benefits on TAKEAWAYS.
Fast food-loving Daniel Eyers, and his eight-month pregnant partner Lucrezia Worrell, were forced out of temporary accommodation with their four children after being turfed out of their council flat for not paying the rent.
But when Medway Council investigated why the couple had fallen behind on the rent for their flat, in Chatham, Kent, they discovered the greedy pair forked out up to £40 on takeaways every week.
Daniel, 32, says he cannot work because he needs to take his children, aged five, four and two-year-old twins, to school, and Lucrezia, 27, is set to give birth any day.
But the jobless dad, who said Indian and Chinese takeaways were his favourite, hit back and, while admitting being late paying the rent, said he "always pays the money that's owed".
He said: "We like to treat the children once a week to a takeaway.
"They don’t usually get much, so it’s a nice treat.
“It was my son’s birthday the other month and we spent £45 but were told by the council we were spending money on non-essentials rather than paying rent.”
Medway Council officials asked them to provide their bank statements after they failed to keep up with the rent.
Officers told them they had made themselves "intentionally homeless" after the receipts revealed they paid for takeaway orders instead of the rent.
They had left a property in Chatham, Kent, in April after receiving a section 21 notice, meaning their landlord wanted to end the tenancy, in June 2018.
They have been in emergency accommodation in Gillingham, Kent, since but were recently told by the council their case for housing in Medway was being reviewed.
Daniel and his partner had to send over their bank statements where the takeaway app payments were uncovered, and have since been asked to leave the temporary council accommodation.
He said he’s been offered a house in Tyne and Wear, in the north east of England, by the early help team, but wants to stay in Medway.
He said: “I’ve been a Medway resident my whole life.
"It was hard enough being moved from Chatham to Gillingham as my children go to school in Chatham.
“I couldn’t get a job as it meant my children would miss out on school, as I have to drive them there everyday.”
Mark Breathwick, head of strategic housing at Medway Council, said support was provided to Daniel before he was evicted and the council has continued to help him since.
He added: “Emergency accommodation is provided to people where appropriate.”
Bailiffs turned up at the house on Monday while Daniel and Lucrezia were on the school run.
The family are currently staying at Daniel’s mother’s home and have no idea where to go next.
Web commenters were less than supportive of the jobless pair.
Kirstin Vincent wrote: "If neither of thema re working, and are currently a family of six, then how can they afford to spend at least £160-a-month on takeaways?
"They must eat very little else.
"They need to learn about financial management quite swiftly. Good luck to them."
Facebook user Kaherlah Wilks said: "Many a moon ago when I was on benefits, with two young children, I couldn’t afford takeaway.
"My treat was a pack of basic custard cream and a tin of chicken curry.
"The sad thing is, I’m not even joking."
Many others compared the pair to Wayne and Waynetta Slob - a filthy pair of benefits scroungers who featured heavily in smash hit sketch comedy show Harry Enfield and Chums.
James Taylor added: "Tough luck, Wayne & Waynetta."
Shocking dashcam footage shows motorists forced to slalom around mounds of fly-tipped rubbish on a mile long country lane
Image by: Robert Bevan Video by: Robert Bevan
Shocking dashcam footage shows how motorists are being forced to slalom around fly-tipped rubbish stretching over a MILE along a picturesque country lane.
Shameless fly-tippers have left the entire road "looking like a landfill site" after dumping the abandoned waste in Llantrisant, South Wales.
Mountains of trash, including fridges, cardboard boxes, crates and bin liners, can be seen strewn along the rural lane in footage taken by farmer Rob Bevan.
The 40-year-old said he was left disgusted after spotting the piles of rubbish as he drove along on Wednesday afternoon (15/5).
His footage shows no less than EIGHTY FIVE separate mounds of brazenly dumped trash scattered across the 2,000 yard stretch of road.
A second video reveals how dozens of bin liners have also been callously left in a pretty stream near to the quaint Welsh town.
Rob said he was alerted to the eyesore after his wife Deborah, 40, called him in floods of tears to tell him she was stuck on the road due to the mess.
The dad-of-one has now been single-handedly taking the rubbish to a recycling depot - which is only one mile away from where it was dumped.
Rob said fly-tipping has been blighting the area since he moved in four years ago and described it as an "ongoing nightmare."
He said: "My wife rang me up about 3.30pm on Wednesday and she was in tears as she got stuck on the lane and I had to go and help get her out.
"It was just a hell of a mess and Deborah was in shock.I thought it was just a bit of rubbish on the side the of the road but it went on for a mile.
"Shockingly, the people who did came it back an hour-and-a-half later and unloaded loads of rubbish into a stream.
"And then overnight there was another load that was dumped - it is just absolutely dreadful and they need to be caught.
"It stretches the entire length from my farm to the next farm which is a mile long. I use the road everyday to go to work, but they don't seem to care.
"Its a bit of everything - there's baskets, flyers, signs, fridges, used needles and endless pots used for cultivating cannabis. It looks like a landfill site.
"I've been here now for about four years and we've had these problems ever since. Its an ongoing nightmare for us.
"I've been the one who has been picking this rubbish up and I've taken it down to the recycling depot free of charge.
"Why people do it I have no idea, the recycling depot is only a mile away and they'll take the rubbish.
"I don't know what the world is coming to. What these people are doing is disgusting.
"They are brazen and to do this in the afternoon on the same day is crazy.
"I'm hoping the videos does push the Rhondda Cynon Taff council to look after the road and carry out some maintenance on it.
"I've been phoning them to put cameras up but I don't seem to be getting anywhere with them.
"The local authority need to recognise this is a council road and it needs to be looked after and they've been ignoring it."
In a statement on Facebook, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council wrote: "Fly-tip in RCT and we will catch you and hold you to account for your actions!
"Evidence has now been taken from this horrific mile long discovery and we will be speaking to a local business.
"Details from another site have also been shared with South Wales Police. #WhoDoneIT #CaughtRedHanded."
Image by: Robert Bevan
SPEED DATE - A couple who met on a dating app got engaged after ONE month and then tied the knot just four weeks later.
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
A couple who met on a dating app got engaged after ONE month and then tied the knot just four weeks later.
Christopher Rimmer and Viktorija Vakulenko, both 34, met through an app called Christian Dating for Free and arranged to meet face-to-face after a month of chatting online.
Viktorija, originally from Latvia, travelled to the UK for work and met Chris in his hometown in Southport, Merseyside, where they discussed the idea of marriage on their first date.
Despite feeling an instant connection, the pair abstained from having sex, and after dating for one month, Chris popped the question on Southport Pier where they had one of their first dates.
The pair set a date for June 2019 – two months after they first met – and tied the knot at Shoreline Church, Southport, surrounded by 60 family and friends.
Chris and Vicktorija have now returned from their honeymoon in Barcelona and can’t wait to start the rest of their lives together.
Vicktorjia, said: “The moment I saw his profile I felt a connection to him – his photos made him look open and kind.
“I spoke to a few people on the site but after I met Chris on there I stopped my other conversations and put all my attention onto him.
“He had such a strong passion for ministry and it just felt right.
“I knew there was something special and we went for it.”
Vickorija, from Riga, Latvia, joined the dating site in March 2019 after her sister encouraged her to sign-up.
She had only been on the site for two weeks when Chris came across her profile and struck up a conversation with her.
The pair felt an instant connection and arranged to meet up for their first date in Chris’ home town Southport, in Liverpool, after Vickorija moved to the UK looking for work.
She said: “I wasn’t sure about joining the dating site but I’d moved home after travelling in Thailand and my sister suggested it would be a good way to meet people – even just to make some friends.
“I spoke to a few people and then Chris started a conversation with me and it just felt right.
“To be honest I was planning to stay alone for a while – I didn’t expect to meet someone so quickly.
“At the time I started applying for jobs in the UK and I planned to go over for the some interviews.
“It tied in together and I could also finally meet Chris.
“I remember being at the airport with my mum and she could already see how happy I was, giggling on the phone to him.
“I already felt like I was in love with him when we were talking online.”
Smitten Vickorija moved to Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, to stay with a friend, before travelling up to meet Chris first the first time over Easter Weekend in April 2019.
She said: “There was a postcard in my host’s house of Southport and thought: ‘That looks so nice, what a cool place.’
“It felt like there were lots of signs for us to be together and I was taking those signs as direction.
“I was super nervous but there were lots of sparks the moment we met at the train station.
“He took me to the pier and it was such a romantic first date.
“We started talking about marriage that day – we both knew that’s what we wanted.
“We joined that dating app because we were hoping to meet someone to have a future and because we’re both have the same faith.
“Chris had a spare room for me to stay in that weekend and we knew nothing else romantic was going to happen.
“We were both prepared to wait until we got married because it felt right.”
Image by: Chris Rimmer
Image by: Chris Rimmer
Image by: Chris Rimmer
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
After their first weekend together, Vicktorija started looking for work in Southport so she could be closer to Chris.
Chris decided to pop the question on May 15 – less than four weeks after they first met face-to-face.
He hatched a plan to take her to the pavilion restaurant, Southport, where they had one of their first dates and he asked staff to film the moment he popped the question.
Vicktorjia said: “I knew we were going to get married because we talked about it but I didn’t know when it would happen.
“Chris took me to the restaurant and it was a beautiful sunset.
“When he asked me I was so surprised and excited - it was all perfect.”
The couple couldn’t wait to make things official and set a date for the big day on 15 June 2019 – less than two months after they first met.
They held the ceremony at Shoreline Church, Southport, in front of around 50 family and friends, followed by a reception at
She said: “My mum and sister came over from Riga but my dad couldn’t make is so Chris’ dad offered to walk me down the aisle.
“We had only just met and he said I was ‘perfect’ for Chris – it meant so much.
“Everyone had a great day and although it started cloudy it got sunny.
“It was a perfect day and it never felt like it was too soon, it felt like it was just the right time.
“We want children and I’m looking forward to the future and for now we’re looking for a place to live and focusing on our ministry.”
Chris, who had been on the dating site for a couple of years, recalls the moment he first came across Vicktorija online.
He said: “We were both of the site because we wanted to meet someone and get married, I just hadn’t met that person yet, not until I found Vicktorija.
“The moment I saw her pictures I thought: 'Who is this girl? I have to speak to her.’
“We were so similar and we both had a strong belief in our Christian faith which bought us closer together.
“The moment I met her I knew were going to get married – we wanted to get to know each other a bit and become best friends.
“The day I proposed I didn’t have much of a plan, I just knew I wanted to take her to the pier where we had one of our first dates.
“The sunset was incredibly and I knew I had to do it then.
“I told the staff I was going to propose and asked them to film us.
“It was perfect and they helped make the day really special for us.
“The wedding day was perfect – I felt like the luckiest man when I saw her walking down the aisle.
“After the big day we headed off for our honeymoon in Barcelona and did some trekking and exploring.
“ Vicktorija loves her food and we definitely put some weight on.
“Everything’s a bit up in the air at the moment, we’re looking for somewhere to live to get settled.
“We’re taking each day at a time and enjoying getting to know each other more.”
Video by: Gabriella Petty
BASE JUMPING HORROR - A base jumper is lucky to be alive after he tumbled 180ft down a mountain when a gust of wind slammed him into a notorious rock face
A base jumper is lucky to be alive after he plummeted 180ft when a gust of wind slammed him into a notorious cliff face.
Sam Percival, 35, miraculously survived the horror fall after his parachute spun mid-jump, slamming him into the sheer cliff face at speeds of at least 30mph.
He was attempting to become the first person to jump off Lord Berkeley’s Seat in An Teallach, in the Scottish Highlands - which has claimed the lives of THREE walkers this year alone.
A shocking video shows how after jumping, while he free-fell 200ft, a gust of wind spun him round into the cliff face, partially deflating his parachute.
The brave adventurer then plummeted a further 180ft - the equivalent of 14 floors - before he landed on a rocky outcrop.
Sam was pummelled by falling debris - and then had to climb for hours to get help.
Rescuers were amazed he survived the accident, and miraculously he's now recovering at home with just a few sprains, cuts and bruises.
Lucky Sam, an outdoor instructor, from Horwich, Lancashire, said he feels lucky to be alive - while rescuers said that was "something of an understatement."
Sam, who lives in Aviemore, in the Highlands, said: "It felt like being in a washing machine filled with boulders.
"I struck the cliff at about 30mph.
"I tried to get hold of a ledge but I kept accelerating towards the floor of the gully.
"The canopy was reducing my speed, but it wasn't supporting me.
"Next I hit the bottom of the gully, 180ft from where I struck the cliff.
"I was underneath a pile of boulders that had come down with me.
"My clothes were in shreds.
"At first I thought that adrenaline must be masking something, but I managed to get to my feet and basically all I have is a sprained ankle and wrist.
"I'm a very, very lucky man. People keep saying I should buy a lottery ticket, but I think I have already sued up all my luck for this year at least.
"When you are basejumping the worst thing that can happen when you jump is total malfunction - your parachute doesn't open.
"The second worst thing in a 180 - it opens but it opens, for whatever reason, facing towards the cliff.
"Depending on a few things like how long you fall for, or the winds, you have as little as a few milliseconds to do anything about it."
Image by: Sam Percival
Image by: Sam Percival
Image by: Sam Percival
Image by: Sam Percival
Sam, who has been base jumping for five years, wanted to be the first person to jump off Lord Berkeley’s Seat in An Teallach, in the Scottish Highlands, on Thursday.
He said he and this friends tested the conditions and he decided to go first, but was caught by a side gust of wind after he threw up his parachute.
"We did push it," he said
"The winds were a bit too high, but I made the decision to jump."
After free-falling 200ft, the gust twisted him 180 degrees into the rock face, so instead of gliding to the bottom of the gully, he slammed into the mountain.
He then tumbled a further 180ft before he slammed into a rock ledge.
Unable to see his expedition buddies, and without any phone signal, one friend made the brave decision to jump after him, while the other climbed down the treacherous mountain.
The group called 999, and then spent two hours climbing to a safe place, where they were met by Dundonnell Mountain Rescue Team and The Inverness Coastguard helicopter.
"When I met the winchman he asked me where the casualty was," said Sam.
"I told him it was me. He replied 'when we heard we were attending a casualty who jumped off Lord Berkeley’s Seat, we were expecting a fatality'."
Sam and his friends were airlifted to the base of the mountain.
He added: "I don't know of anyone falling the distance I have, and coming away with a few scratches.
"I was very, very lucky to survive."
Dundonnell Mountain Rescue Team agreed.
A spokesperson said: “Lord Berkeley’s Seat is 1,030m above sea level and has a mostly vertical drop of at least 500m on its north face.
“After jumping off the peak, the casualty’s parachute was caught by a gust of wind which turned him around and propelled him into the face of the mountain.
"He then slid a short distance before stopping.
“He was then able to climb back up, over steep and very hazardous terrain, to rejoin his companions on the main ridge.
"He was found to have sustained only minor injuries but was evacuated in due course from the mountain by Rescue 151 to Dundonnell MRT base at the foot of the mountain.”
Dundonnell MRT leader Donald Macrae said: “This is the first time we’ve been called out to a base-jumping incident.
“To say this young man is lucky to be alive is something of an understatement. He must have a guardian angel.
"He came very close indeed to a long vertical drop which he would not have survived.”
Video by: Sam PercivalImage by: Sam Percival
Image by: Sam Percival
RAGING BULL - Farmer says he 'has no beef' as he is reunited with the prize-winning bull which trampled him after being spooked by an opening umbrella
Image by: JP Yorkshire Evening Post
Image by: Alex Cousins SWNS
The farmer trampled by his prize-winning bull at an agricultural show was reunited with the animal today - and revealed it had been 'spooked' by the opening of an umbrella.
Show-goers looked on in horror as Willy Barron, 61, was dragged along the ground and knocked unconscious by Limousin bull Barrons Olso, who weighs almost one tonne.
Miraculously Mr Barron survived serious injury during the incident at the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate on Tuesday.
Today the farmer was reunited with 16-month-old Barrons Olso at the showground.
He told how the animal was spooked by a spectator's opening umbrella which caused him to slip on a ramp.
Barrons Oslo was photographed as he then charged into his handler, striking him on the head, and dragging him along the ground as shocked viewers watched on.
Mr Barron, who bred and reared the bull, was knocked unconscious for a few seconds after suffering a blow to the head and had four stitches behind his ear.
The farmer from Burnhope, County Durham, has defended Barrons Oslo, saying he meant "no malice".
He said: "Apparently an umbrella opened in front of us as we were walking together, which startled the bull.
"When that happened he slipped on the ramp and that really unnerved him.
"He just wanted to be away from the area at that point, so he ran. I remember being dragged along the floor before being hit in the head and going unconscious.
"I came round after a few seconds and got some treatment."
Image by: JP Yorkshire Evening Post
Image by: Alex Cousins SWNS
Mr Barron added: "There was no malice in the bull whatsoever.
"It was just those two things startled him within the space of a few seconds.
"If it was only the umbrella that went up he would probably have been fine, but he slipped as well and that scared him."
Mr Barron, who breeds pedigree Limousin bull at his property, Morrow Edge Farm, said: "I certainly have no hard feelings about what happened, it's just one of those things.
"He's a really good bull and we're both absolutely fine.
"I have seen the same kind of thing happen to other people before, just not to myself."
The incident happened on Tuesday (11/7) at around 9.45am, moments after Barrons Oslo was crowned champion in the Great Yorkshire Show's British Limousin class.
Mr Barron had to be stretchered away from the area and transported to Harrogate District Hospital, where he was treated.
He said the loose bull was caught by someone seconds after he bolted and led to a nearby shed to calm down.
After being discharged by doctors, Mr Barron made his way back to the showground to check on Barrons Oslo.
Prior to the incident Barrons Oslo placed first in his class and won three prizes, including 'best junior exhibitor bred male' and 'best British Limousin animal exhibited by a North Eastern Limousin Breeders Club member'.
Image by: Alex Cousins SWNS
SAVED BY A WHISKER - Farmer saves four cubs after he performed an emergency C-SECTION on a dead fox
Video by: Ashley Moran Image by: Jean Rolfe
A farmer saved the lives of four cubs after he performed an emergency C-SECTION on a dead fox on the side of a busy road.
Chris Rolfe, 24, carried out the operation after a female vixen was knocked out and killed by a car.
The farmer witnessed the crash happen and immediately stopped his vehicle to check if the fox was still alive or if it was suffering.
Chris was travelling back from his farm on the A272, near Cowfold, West Sussex at around 11.45pm when he says his "instinct" kicked in.
The countryman said he couldn't leave a fox to die or suffer on the side of the road without checking on it first and seeing if he could help.
Chris, from Haywards Heath, West Sussex said: "I saw her on the road and stopped to check and see if she was suffering.
"It was instinctive otherwise instead of one life lost, it would have been the death of all of the cubs as well as the mum."
After carrying out a few checks on the injured animal, he had found that the vixen had died but when he checked its stomach he could see it was moving - which indicated to Chris that she was pregnant.
He said he ran to his car to get a knife out and performed an emergency C-section on the fox - taking out four little cubs measuring around six inches long.
Although Chris did not have any veterinary training, he has previously performed a C-section during lambing season.
Chris then put them into his jacket pockets and drove them to his mum, Jean Rolfe, house where they have since be hand-reared.
He added: "I didn't think about it, I just done it."
Image by: Jean Rolfe
Image by: Jean Rolfe
The cubs are now seven weeks old and the family are working with the Fox Project - a registered charity dedicated to treating the Red Fox - to get them strong enough to go back into the wild.
The little furry youngsters have been named Ginger, Biscuit, Big tip and Little tip.
Chris said: "I am really pleased they are all healthy.
"It was just something I felt obliged to do, I wouldn't want to see the mum suffer and that is why I got out of the car.
"And then when I realised she had passed away when I was checking her body, I saw her stomach moving.
"I couldn't think about it too much, I just had to perform the C-section because every minute is crucial.
"After I got the cubs out, I took them straight to my mum's and she cared for them - making sure they were clean and getting their circulation going, making she they were up and running."
Image by: Jean Rolfe
Jean, 51, from Haywards Heath, who has previously cared for foxes with the Fox project, said they both acted fast when Chris arrived at her home with the cubs.
She added: "Chris put them in his pockets and delivered to me.
"They arrived all bloody, and in the wild mum would lick them to get clean.
"Mum would also have quite a rough tongue as well, which would help to get the circulation going. But I wasn't going to do that.
"So we got a damp towel and just really rubbed them quite hard, harder then what you would think, and that actually washes them and gets the circulation going.
"We then put them in a cardboard box on top of a heater to keep them warm.
"Cubs also can't pee and poo themselves and so mum would normally lick them.
"So we got damp cotton wool and cleaned those areas, to make sure they are able to go to the toilet because that is a major factor in what could kill them."
Jean said she began feeding the cubs milk every 20 minutes which then went to "two hours, and three" and they now being weaned.
She added: "They are eating puppy dog food, plus frozen chicks.
"The reason being they would have fur, and bones and all sorts when they are in the wild. So we are trying to get them ready for the wild.
"It has taken a lot of care and effort to look after them. And thankfully all four survived."
The cubs are under the Fox project programme and will aim to go back into the wild at the age of six months.
And during this time, the foxes will travel to other fox foster homes without Jean or Chris - where they can become more independent by themselves, trying to get used to new surroundings and smells.
If the cubs are not ready to be left in the wild at the six month stage, they will continue to travel to different fox foster homes until they can become more independent.
Jean said: "If Chris hadn't stopped, they wouldn't have survived. So Chris just got on with it and dealt with it.
"He was in that frame of mind, I guess because he was looking after the sheep his instinct was there.
"A lot of people talk about having foxes as pets, and even though they are lovely animals, they are wild and they need to be wild."