WATCH: Teen who lost both hands as a child completes entire makeup routine - using a BIONIC ARM

Video by: Sarah Lockey

This incredible video shows a teen who lost both hands to meningitis as a baby completing her makeup routine - using a BIONIC ARM.

Tilly Lockey, 13, can put on her eyeliner, use makeup brushes and blenders effortlessly without any assistance.

The inspirational girl has devoted her time over the years to raising awareness of the complications that can follow meningitis.

She needed 10 blood transfusions and lost both of her hands after contracting meningococcal septicaemia at just 15 months old.

Tilly was given a 0% chance survival by doctors but defied all of the odds to survive the deadly disease.

She has previously been given bionic arms with basic functions and also trialled several others.

But at Christmas 2018, Tilly was given her first set of comic book inspired 'hero arms' by Bristol-based technology company Openbionics.

The high-tech limbs can function as normal hands and were tailor-made for Tilly on a 3D printer.

The bionic arms are the first medically approved prosthesis of their kind in Britain and allow for precise and delicate movements that other prosthetic hands cannot do.

Tilly uses the arm to paint, play games and to give a 'thumbs-up' to her friends but she has also started to use them to put on her own makeup.

She has followed makeup blogs and now posts tutorials and videos online.

Her mum Sarah Lockey, 39, who works for the charity Meningitis Now which supported her daughter, said: "She finds the arm so useful.

"Tilly posted a video doing her makeup on her Twitter last year and everybody seemed to love it.

"She mainly started to put makeup on when she became a teenager so the arm has been such a huge help."

Tilly lost both of her hands and the tips of her toes when she contracted meningococcal septicaemia.

Aged just three-years-old, Tilly got a pair of 'myolectric arms' which only had basic functions of control.

For years after the surgery, Sarah desperately tried ways to get her the best prosthetics, fundraising and researching.

However, in 2016, Tilly was the first child in the world to be given trial 'bionic arms' by Bristol-based technology company Openbionics.
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The new 'hero arms' - given to Tilly in 2018 - use sensors within the casing to respond to movements by Tilly and are designed to have all of the same functions as a usual pair of arms.

It means Tilly can now interact with her friends and family - including her father Adam Lockey, 38, and sisters Tia, 15, Lucyanna, 11, and Hermione, seven - in the same way as any other teenager.

Her mum Sarah, from Consett, County Durham said: "She can do everything with the arms.

"When she was diagnosed with meningitis as a 15-month-old I was told she had no chance of survival.

"To see how far she has come is incredible, I am so proud of her.

"She can use the arm just like anyone would use their hands.

"She now realises how much she can actually do with her 'hero arm' and she uses it for everything in everyday life.

"Tilly has become a triallist for the company now so she gets sent different designs and is used to test them for other children.

"She has tested around eight different designs since 2016 and they can then be altered and developed to be better for people in the same position."

Tilly has had incredible experiences throughout her life including meeting the Dalai Lama.

She has also appeared on hit ITV show 'This time next year..' where she showed the amazing difference being given her bionic arms had on her life.

Last week, Tilly even headed to London to model her hero arm at the premiere of Alita: Battle Angel in the West End - complete with a custom arm to become the character.

Sarah added: "She has achieved so much already in her life.

"We just want to keep raising the awareness of everything she went through and how much these arms can help children.

"I am so proud."
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The 'hero arms' cost approximately £10,000 per arm to purchase, although Tilly has been given multiple different sets to trial due to her role as an ambassador for the company.

Tilly said she loves the simple things about the arms - including being able to hold two items at once.

She said: "I really love how I can now hold two things at once.

"It sounds really simple and it is probably what a lot of people take for granted but to me, to be able to hold a book in one hand and a pen in another while I’m studying is great.

"I also love how cool they look, they’re lots of fun and I’m proud to wear them.”
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WATCH: Floyd Mayweather Sr. sparred in his eponymous boxing club - and got FLOORED

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This is the moment Floyd Mayweather Sr. sparred in his eponymous boxing club - and got floored.

Mayweather, 66, got into an impromptu sparring match with former boxer and boxing coach Ross Thompson, 45, at Mayweather Boxing Club, in Las Vegas.

But Floyd Mayweather Jr's dad did not emerge victorious on Monday Feb 4, 2019 and - ended up on the deck.

“They were having a bit of a trash talk outside of the ring,” said an onlooker, who filmed the video but did not wish to be named.

“Ross told Floyd Senior that his brother Roger Mayweather was a better trainer than him, so Floyd Senior got mad at that and so he threw a few shots about Ross’s career,” claimed the onlooker.

“Then Floyd told Ross that he wouldn’t be able to touch him, because he’s too big… like 'you won’t be able to touch me, I hope I don’t hurt you’ then they got in the ring and went for it,” he said.

“It was really macho, it was great.

“They dodged each other in the ring for a bit, next thing you know Ross put a combination together and Floyd goes down, that’s a sequence of punches, almost like when you’re dancing and you have a sequence of steps, they were pretty fast and it got Floyd Senior laid out on the ground.

“He wasn’t quite unconscious, he was just went down hard, I’d say he was lying dazed on the floor for about 30 seconds after he hit the ground.

“Then he got up, we were all laughing and talking cra*p…they wound up shaking hands in the end.”

Ross Thompson, who threw the winning punch said: “We were getting into it at the club, we have a history, he likes to trash talk at me.

"He likes to trash talk, he's just like his son."
Video by: Photo Contributor44

Farm becomes the first place in Britain to offer yoga classes - in a field full of ALPACAS

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A farm has become the first place in Britain to offer yoga classes - in a field full of ALPACAS.

Rosebud Alpacas is located on a remote smallholding among rolling countryside and has been hailed as the perfect location for calming exercise.

But to add to the experience owners Nick and Lucy Aylett have decided to run their yoga classes in the same field where they keep their alpacas.

And they say their alpaca yoga classes in South Molton, Devon, are a "unique experience" which are "great for mind, body and soul".

Nick said: "They live outside and the chickens are protected by the alpaca herd who are quick to alert all around to any unwelcome visitors.

“We want our land to be an inviting place for others to come and enjoy.

"It is our home and is a very special place that we would really love other people to enjoy too.

"It's a place where people can come to escape, take time out from technology and busy lives, a chance to spend time connecting with the land, the animals and each other.

"Our dream is for this place also to be a sanctuary for people to come and feel at home as well.”

The pair say all their animals are "raised ethically with freedom of choice, their welfare being paramount".

Each session is led by qualified instructor Sian Bartlett and light refreshments are provided after each class.

In addition to the alpaca yoga, they also offer alpaca walking, alpaca picnics, alpaca art sessions and a special "alpaca connection" package.

The alpaca connection session is where guests are guided in meditations and have the opportunity to "walk amongst the herd in mindful observation".
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Lucy Aylett, 46, runs the alpaca yoga with her partner, Nick Stringer, 55, a former landscape gardener.

Lucy, who used to run a pet supply store, said: "We wanted to move to Devon and change careers, so we bought the alpacas and got some land.

"The alpacas have a very calming presence very much like horses. Being around them we felt very stress-free.

"We started working with them because we breed them and we found that time just flew when you were around them and we wanted to share that with people.

"People go away feeling calm, it's just an experience being around the alpacas.

"They're not lively animals, they're not jumping all over you like goat yoga. That tried to be a thing, but people got fed up with the goats jumping on them all the time.

"You don't get that with alpacas.

"They're very relaxed so it just adds to the feeling of relaxation.

"In our location, there isn't much going on, if you're meditating you don't ear all the traffic, it's all very peaceful and the alpacas add to that.

"We started doing the yoga classes last spring, it just came to me one day. It's difficult to describe.

"I tried some yoga myself, it seemed very peaceful.

"I don't like to force the animals into it, I want to do it in the field so the animals can join the people if they want to but they don't have to.

"It feels more authentic that way."
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Meet the woman who has gained almost 50,000 social media followers by creating penis-shaped routes whilst out - JOGGING.

Claire Pisano, also known as 'Dick_Run_Claire' on Instagram, has daily runs almost exclusively shaped like a penis.

The 33-year-old mum has become an Instagram sensation by mapping out penises with her running app and sharing them online.

Claire, from New Jersey, USA, took up running as a hobby aged 28 and mapped out her first 'dick run' by accident in November 2015.

It happened when she went out for a jog whilst visiting a relative in Kansas, in November 2015, and went took a wrong turn.
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She posted her creation online and the Instagram page Dick_Run_Claire was born.

Now Claire has 48,000 followers on Instagram through sharing her penis runs of all shapes and sizes - and has kick started a rude running trend.

Searching for #dickrun on Instagram reveals how thousands of people are getting in on the act to map out a willy on their workout.

Claire, a corporate sector worker, said: " I encourage anyone and everyone to try a dickrun or two.

"Someone once sent me their map of a dickswim, that was pretty impressive actually. I can’t swim in a straight line, let alone draw something.

"The first dick run was a total accident at first. My brother had moved and I was visiting him. I went for a run and took a wrong turn.

"When I got back, I realised what I had accidentally drawn. From what I hear, most dickrunners start out this way. Obviously my friends thought it was funny so I kept it up."
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Claire has taken part in two marathons, a dozen half marathons since taking up running and is already training for her third marathon in autumn this year.

If training for a marathon isn't hard enough, Claire's running routine includes the added challenge of trying to map out a penis.

It has seen her draw penises small and large on the streets across America.

Three-and-a-half years after #dickrun was born, Claire says it can be tricky to make each drawing different from the one before.

She said: "I got into running because it was 'me time.- although I always love running with friends.There’s nothing like a run to clear your mind and help you reset.

"The dickruns are funny but there are some super talented people doing #stravaart - really impressive and detailed drawings.

"It depends on the setting. I like the challenge in more rural areas, because you don’t have a lot of roads to work with, so I love finding a random 'road dick'.

"Sometimes they’re super obvious, and I am pretty sure there’s a league of town planners and transportation engineers who are all in on some inside joke making road dicks in their towns."

Whilst some dickruns come naturally, Claire says he spends hours online mapping out new runs.

Claire said:: "I do spend an inordinate amount of time mapping out dickruns.

"I travel for work and for fun, so I map them out anywhere I travel, I have so many mapped that I haven’t run yet."
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World-famous 'French Spiderman' free-climbs 475-foot tower in just 25 minutes

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This astonishing video shows a world-famous free-climber, known as 'The French Spiderman', scale the side of a 475-foot tall building in just 25 minutes.

Alain Robert, 57, is famous for his free solo climbing, scaling skyscrapers using no climbing equipment except for a small bag of chalk and his climbing shoes.

The daredevil has climbed a whopping 165 buildings without a safety cord, including the 1,000-foot tall Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Dubai's Burj Khalifah, which stands at a whopping 2,700 feet tall.

And on Wednesday, 24/03/20, Alain was spotted scaling the Agbar Tower in Barcelona, Spain, which stands 475-foot tall (144 metres).

It took the Frenchman just 25 minutes to make it up the building and back down again - watched and filmed by his friend and fellow free-climber Adam Lockwood, 18.

Adam, from Manchester, is also currently in Barcelona to free-climb, and he supported Alain from the roof of a neighbouring building, The Arts Hotel - Barcelona's tallest building, at 505 feet tall.

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Adam said: "I knew Alain was here and was going to climb the Agbar Tower, so I climbed to the top of The Arts Hotel last night [Tues] and slept on the roof to watch him.

"It took him about 25 minutes to go up and back down again. When he got back down he got put in the back of an ambulance, and then driven off in a police car.

"Last time he did this he got escorted out the country. I don't know if that's going to happen again now."

Adam added that he has known Alain for about a year - but that Alain has been free-climbing "all his life".

It was the Frenchman's fourth time climbing the Agbar Tower - having previously scaled the 38-storey building in 2006, 2007, and 2016.

Mysterious face has appeared in a cliff following a landslide - and locals claim it could be the head of a mythical GIANT that stalked the area


A mysterious face has appeared in a cliff following a landslide - and locals claim it could be the head of a mythical GIANT that stalked the area.

Louise Coe, 45, was walking the coast path at Bedruthan Steps when she noticed a pair of eyes and a nose staring back at her.

NHS worker Louise and her husband walk the route near Padstow in Cornwall regularly but had not been recently - due to recent landslides that closed the steps.

She suspects the face was caused by the landslides - creating a remarkably detailed carving of a face.

The 'steps' are a natural rock formation said to have been created when the 'Bedruthan Giant' used them as stepping stones to cross the bay.

Some locals have even claimed the face could be that of the mythical giant.

Louise said: "My partner and I were just out walking with the dog when we spotted it.

"We're National Trust members so we quite often walk along the coast near the Bedruthan Steps.

"There had been some rock falls recently we think, but suddenly my partner and I just noticed that the rock face looked like a face looking out to sea.

"The steps are actually closed at the moment because of rock falls, so it might be a new formation - it looks very different.''

Dangerous landslides have been reported there both in December 2019 and on New Year's Day 2021.

Former Tory Minister Rory Stewart claims Boris Johnson is leaking negative stories about Rishi Sunak - because he feels threatened by him


Former Conservative Minister Rory Stewart claims Boris Johnson is leaking negative stories about Rishi Sunak - because he feels threatened by him.

Stewart, 49, a former Tory leadership contender, says the PM is ''probably quite enjoying'' the criticism aimed at the Chancellor and his wife.

Stewart says Sunak is aware the recent ''smear campaign'' is not just from journalists - and ''No.10 is feeding quite a lot of this''.

He says ''it's perfectly possible that people inside No.10 are quite enjoying dripping this stuff through''.

Stewart was speaking on Alastair Campbell's 'The Rest Is Politics' podcast.

He said: "My guess is Boris Johnson is probably quite enjoying this.
I think he feels threatened by Rishi Sunak.

"Rishi was the big challenger to him, and I think when Rishi Sunak is saying it's a bit of a smear campaign, he's not just talking about journalists going after him.

"I think he suspects that No.10 is feeding quite a lot of this.

"I think it's perfectly possible that people inside No.10 are quite enjoying dripping this stuff through.

"Suggesting he's going off on holiday in California, when he probably isn't...

"Drawing people's attentions to questions they might ask about his tax, asking about the green card etc.

"Because I think apart from Rishi Sunak it's difficult to see who really is in a position to challenge Boris Johnson."

Sunak's wife has been slammed for her 'non-domicile' status in the UK.

Both Sunak and Murty have also been criticized for holding US green cards.

Sunak studied at University in California but is a British citizen and was born in the UK.

Stewart added: "Rishi Sunak, I'm not particularly fond of. He's not a guy I particularly got on with while I was in Parliament.

"But I do feel there is something very very disturbing about this sort of political life and what it means psychologically.

"He now in an instant has found his wife under attack, he's basically being accused of being a liar and a criminal when from his point of view he hasn't broken any law at all.

"I was saying to a friend that I felt sorry for him, and my friend just laughed and said that they were enjoying this enormously.

"But obviously as a former politician, I don't enjoy watching this happen to anyone, Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem.

"It's one of the reasons we don't end up with good politicians."

The podcast is here: