By Emma Dunn

Meet the 70-year-old who isn’t afraid to don leather shorts and mini skirts and says you should “never give up on yourself”.

Faye Browne, who turns 70 at the end of the month, has always loved fashion and follows the latest trends – wearing mini skirts and slinky dresses.

The fashion designer says clothing makes her feel “confident” and she never leaves the house without feeling put together.

Faye describes her personal style as “classic but edgy” and wants to inspire other women to “wear everything”.

She often gets told she looks 20 years younger and says she doesn’t feel her age.

Faye, creative director at Motto Fashions, from Melbourne, Australia, said: “Most people are shocked to find out my age.

“They think I am 50 or 55.

“I don’t know what a 70-year-old feels like.

“A lot of people don’t think they can still wear a pair of shorts.

“I wear anything going.

“You can too – as long as you wear it in your style.

“Never give up on yourself.”

Faye Browne, 70. (Pix via SWNS)
(Pix via SWNS)

Faye has loved fashion ever since she was a little girl – growing up around Italian women who always looked “sensational”.

She started sewing when she was just aged 10 and set up Motto Fashions in 1984.

Faye said: “I grew up believing I was ugly.

“I always wanted to make myself look beautiful.

“When I got to 60 I looked back at the photos and thought ‘why did I think I was ugly?’

“Once you wear clothing in a certain way you can feel a difference. You have confidence.”

Faye has always been “trendy” and feels clothes have an impact on how others see you.

She said: “The way you look is important.

“The way you dress yourself has a bearing on how people treat you.

“I feel like the way you dress tell the world everything.

“I always want to be put together.

“I can’t leave the house without being put together.

“I can go without make-up but I have to have the shirt and shoes look.”

(Pix via SWNS)
(Pix via SWNS)

After surviving breast cancer and undergoing a mastectomy before she turned 50, Faye gained a new perspective on life.

She said: “You have to love yourself no matter what.”

Faye believes you can wear what you want – no matter your age.

She said: “It’s nothing to do with age.

“I wore a sexy outfit on my 70th birthday.

“Who cares about the wrinkled neck?”

Faye stays young and fit by staying active – lifting weights twice a week and going on regular hikes and walks.

She doesn’t smoke or drink and eats a healthy diet.

Faye said: “I’m OK with ageing.

“I celebrate everyday.

“My mantra is – the older I get, the better I get.

“I love life the way it is.

“I don’t intend to retire.”

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