A woman flew to Japan to create a funny Christmas card with a fake family—and dressed up and played all the characters herself.
Brynn Shuller, 34, has been embodying her made-up family—’the Brynns’—for the last 10 years.
The idea started when Brynn found a costume chest hair and put together her first card—a 90s style photoshoot.
Brynn has since created over 40 photos of her made-up family, including 10 Christmas cards—such as the Brynns skiing, fishing, and in matching pajamas.

This year she even took her family international—picturing them on holiday in Japan.
She sends the cards to family and friends and sells them on Etsy, saying they find it hilarious and “love it.”
Brynn, a graphic designer, from Cincinnati, Ohio, US, said: “It’s funny when I put on the clothes I instantly get into the character.
“It’s so much fun creating the cards and playing the characters.
“I love it.”
Brynn created her first quirky card in October 2015.

She said: “I found a chest hair at the dollar store—the idea sprung on from there.
“After seeing the funny chest hair, I started planning my family.
“Byron, the dad, is awkward and always excited and happy.
“Brynnda, the mom, is always trying to make everyone happy but she is probably aggravated on the inside.
“Brynnie, the daughter, is so young and happy-go-lucky.
“Frank, the teenage son, is an outcast and is always grumpy and never enjoys the family photos.”

Last year, Brynn pictured the family in a park wearing 90s tracksuits, but this year she decided to take them international.
She said: “My friends were asking if I wanted to go to Japan with them.
“I thought ‘OMG, I’ve never taken my family internationally.’
“I decided to take my wigs and costumes.”
Brynn planned out where she wanted to take the photos—choosing the Fushimi-Inari-Taisha Shrine in Kyoto and the Nara deer park.

Brynn said: “I thought it would be really funny to have one of the deer biting Frank.
“One of them headbutted me on the bum, and in the card, it is my actual reaction.”
It took Brynn two hours to take the photos at the different locations and around two to three hours to edit it all together.
She is delighted with the results.
Brynn said: “I don’t know how to top myself.”
Brynn says her family finds it hilarious and fans online are always excited for the annual Christmas card.
Brynn doesn’t see herself stopping anytime soon and has already thought of ways she might incorporate a partner or child.
She said: “If I get married, what do I do? I’d have him in it and the fake dad lurking in the background.”