Image by: Patty Stanton
An obese Chihuahua who could barely move has shed more than half her body weight after ditching her indulgent diet.
Bertha tipped the scales at 13lbs when she was handed in to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco after her owner passed away.
The 11-year-old pooch was more than three times the recommended weight for a Chihuahua and could barely carry the massive weight on her tiny legs.
She was adopted by Allison Hackett, 35, in August 2017, who knew she could help the dog slim down and lead a happier life with a calorie-controlled diet.
Image by: Patty Stanton
Bertha committed to her diet of low-calorie, low-carb dog food and trained her palette to enjoy new offerings like carrot and apple.
Since embarking on her weight loss journey, the Chihuahua has shed 8lbs - more than half her body weight.
Allison, a mergers and acquisitions associate, said: "She was unable to move well and she was definitely hindered by her weight.
"She looked like a sausage.
"My friend said she looked like a loaf of bread on tiny legs.
"She is a Chihuahua so she should weigh about 5lbs, but when she was handed into the shelter she was about 13lbs.
"That’s almost triple what she should have been.
Image by: Allison Hackett
Image by: Allison Hackett
"She didn’t have a history so there was no evidence of what her diet had been like before but it was clear that it was bad.
"She lost about a pound during her time in Muttville so when I got her she was 12lbs.
"My vet advised me to start her on a low calorie and low carb dog food.
"We wanted her to lose weight slowly and healthily.
"She would have a quarter of a cup of this food a day in total.
"She reached 5lbs about a year into her diet and her vet is super happy with her at the moment."
Senior dog Bertha experiences regular seizures and can’t go too hard when it comes to exercise.
Image by: Allison Hackett
Image by: Allison Hackett
However, the pint-sized pooch loves to run around her house and can even climb the stairs, which she wasn’t able to do when she was obese.
Allison, of Saint Helena, California, said: "She is a much happier dog and is leading such a happy life now.
"We’re really strict about her diet. She’s not allowed any people food or high-calorie treats.
"Now she can go up and down the stairs, she can stand on her hind legs, she can run around.
"She has so much energy now and it’s so nice to hear the click of her toenails running around the house constantly especially when she could hardly move before."
While the pooch is on the straight and narrow, Bertha still loves her dinners and Allison said food is never far from her mind.
Allison said: "She definitely loves her food. She is always looking for it, she is constantly on the lookout.
"I can tell she's always thinking about it, but she is happy and healthy now and everyone is pleased with her progress."
Video by: Patty Stanton
Image by: Patricia Rodrigues
A restaurant owner puzzled by her sky-high electricity bills says she was horrified to discover she had also been paying the bills for a nearby bowling alley and hotel.
Patricia Rodrigues, 29, couldn't understand why she was paying around £1,300 a month for her pizza restaurant until she had an electrician come round to check it out.
The pizzeria boss claims she was stunned to find she had also been paying for an adjacent hotel and bowling alley - adding nearly £42,000 extra to her bills over the seven years.
The Mondragone Ristorante e pizzeria in Brandon, Suffolk is part of a complex that includes the Brandon Lodge Apartment Hotel and Mr G's Bowling centre which are both owned by landlord Nolan Guthrie.
Image by: Patricia Rodrigues
When Patricia queried her bills with Mr Guthrie, he stated in a letter that it had been agreed she would pay all the power bills as part of the terms of renting out the restaurant.
But Patricia, who has been running the business since 2011 with her brother Fabio, claims she has never formally signed any terms or conditions or even lease.
She claims Mr Guthrie had delayed agreeing a formal lease when she first rented the property and only confirmed the rental amount.
Image by: Patricia Rodrigues
The single mother-of-two said: "When I opened the restaurant, it didn’t enter my mind that we would be paying for someone else’s electric.
"Then we started seeing that our bills were getting really high.
"I have been asking for a contract and a lease to be set up since I have moved in and I think this is why he never done so".
Patricia says her electricity bills started off at £150 and then gradually increased.
She added: "My electricity bill went up gradually - it went to £250 then £300 and so on.
"I was thinking maybe it is just getting busier at the restaurant which means we would be using more electricity - but then it went to £600, £700, £1,000 and kept going".
Image by: Patricia Rodrigues
Image by: Patricia Rodrigues
After having an electricity meter built into her restaurant, Patricia discovered that she should be paying between £400 and £500 a month.
An average household pays around £1138 a year in electricity bills and uses an average of 3,100 kWh a year.
But Patricia, who pays £833 a month on rent, was paying around this in one month and claims she would be using around 100 kWh on a "busy" day.
She added: "When the electrician switched the meter board off, the lights in the whole building went out.
"The landlord came running into the restaurant and tried to throw the electrician out - there was a big argument between them - and he said what they were doing was illegal".
A letter from Weeting-based Forest Electrical, states: "Following my visit to your premises today, I can confirm that the three phase electricity supply contact through a standard meter is also supplying electricity to two further circuits in separate premises to your own.
"In short, you are paying for the electricity to two different dwellings/businesses other than your own."
Patricia claims he has not paid her back the money she is owed and has since stopped paying the electricity bills for the last three months.
She adds: "It has been really hard for me.
"I held on for so long, because if they threw me out I would have nothing.
"I have had the police in here because I was worried about him.
"I just wanted to run away and disappear - it has been so expensive for me."
The Mr Guthrie has denied comment.
Image by: Patricia Rodrigues
Patricia says she is now moving her restaurant after being unable to settle the dispute.
Patricia later said she believed the two extra electricity circuits were connected to hotels rooms on the ground floor next to her restaurant, and rooms on the first floor above - but NOT the nearby bowling alley.
She said she thought there were eight to ten rooms in total.
Speaking today (wed), Nolan Guthrie advised OFF THE RECORD that Patricia Rodrigues had been aware of the extra electricity circuits.
He said this had been an informal arrangement as the rent for her business premises was low.
He denies her claim that she was unaware of this.
Seven-year-old wows crowd with rendition of ‘This Is Me’ - in sign language
Video by: Michael Deegan
This adorable seven-year-old girl has become an internet sensation after wowing a crowd with a rendition of the song ‘This Is Me’ - in sign language.
Jessica Deegan’s dad Michael posted a video of her performing the song on Twitter, which has attracted over 240,000 views.
The youngster performed the song from the film The Greatest Showman at a talent show last Saturday and won a prize in her category.
Jessica, who is not deaf and has been learning sign at school, entered the open category of Next Step's Got Talent competition in her home of Livingston, West Lothian.
Proud dad Michael Deegan, 28, posted the clip of his daughter on Twitter and received more than 1,700 retweets and 14,000 likes.
Michael said: "It was a local dance group she goes to and they put on a talent show for the kids.
“Jessica chose to go into the open category to do sign language - she had learned it in school and really enjoys it.
“She cares for everyone and wanted to involve something that includes other people and lets others enjoy something different."
On the day, dad of two Michael attended the show with his parents Rose, 55, and Phil, 68, and Jessica's little brother Kobin, aged four.
Michael claimed Jessica was "really confident" and couldn't wait to perform her act which she had been practicising for weeks ahead of the event.
He said: “She had been practising for a couple of weeks before she had to put her entry in.
"She was really confident with no nerves and looked forward to it.
“Her family that went along knew what was happening but apart from that no one else knew.
“Not many people knew what was going on."
Image by: Michael Deegan
The amazing performance received a standing ovation and even moved a judge to tears.
Dad Michael said: “Everyone was getting drawn into it and emotionally attached to it - the place went silent.
“She only had a minute and a half then everybody jumped up in a roar.
“One of the judges said it brought tears to their eyes while watching it.
"She’s had a lot of support and messages since."
Michael, a customer resolution analyst, hopes his daughter will continue to learn sign language, which he believes could benefit her further down the line.
He said: “I’m hoping she does keep it up, she’s enjoying it and I’m hoping the school continue to offer it.
"But if they don't then I will speak to her and if she wants to continue it I will try and find her a tutor.
“I know myself it would be something very useful for her going into a working environment."
Michael said the response from family, friends and online has been "overwhelming".
He said: “Everybody’s over the moon with her and I still can't find the words with how proud I am with her.
“Everybody said it was so good.
“It’s overwhelming for us, never mind Jessica."
He added: "She likes to play with everybody and include others in the group - it shows everyone how much of a caring child she is.”
Image by: Michael Deegan
Image by: Sophia Soares
A baffled schoolboy has been punished by his school for cutting his hair too short - just a day after being told off because it was TOO LONG.
Jonathon Soares, 16, was told by staff last Monday that his haircut - which featured shorts side and a long floppy fringe and he had sported for months - was too long.
The 16-year-old student duly got a £10 trim that night at his local hairdresser and had the sides 'shaved faded' and the top and fringe cut shorter.
However the following day he was stunned when a teacher at Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, told him off for his 'Meet Me at McDonalds' haircut.
The teenager, from Great Yarmouth, was punished for his new do and was put in isolation for the rest of the week - where he was forced to work alone.
Image by: Sophia Soares
Image by: Sophia Soares
Jonathan's mum was outraged by the school's decision to isolate her son and is worried this will now effect his GCSEs - which he is set to take at the end of the year.
The youngster's hair is naturally curly and brown.
The youngster's mum, Sophia Soares, 35, said: "It's ridiculous.
"It seems to me like they are making an example out of Jonathan.
"I understand that they need to have the correct uniform and look smart but there are no patterns in it and it's not an outrageous colour - it's just a short back and sides.
"In my eyes how he chooses to have his hair cut is up to him."
Image by: Sophia Soares
The GY Charter Academy pupil now fears he may not get his place at East Norfolk Sixth Form College next year if he gets excluded in his final months at the school.
Sophia added: "You should not isolate a child for their haircut.
"A haircut does not stop you from learning.
"He is not the only child in that school with that haircut either - it's discrimination.
"He's not learning anything in isolation now so he might as well be at home."
A spokesman for the Inspiration Trust, who run a range of schools across Norfolk and Suffolk said pupils and parents are aware of the school's guidelines.
The Trust said: "Great Yarmouth Charter Academy’s guidelines on uniform and appearance have been well publicised, and families and pupils are well aware of the school’s requirements around haircuts.
"These are not difficult to follow, and if pupils choose to go against them they do so knowing the sanctions they are likely to face."
Military flypast held in honour of ten airmen and a British 82-year-old who blames himself for their deaths 75 years ago
Image by: Simon Galloway
Image by: Simon Galloway
A military flypast was held today in honour of ten airmen and an 82-year-old who blames himself for their deaths 75 years ago.
Tony Foulds was just eight years old when he and a group of friends spotted a B-17 Flying Fortress.
The American plane known as 'Mi Amigo' was returning from a planned bombing raid over Europe after being attacked by the Luftwaffe.
Tony and his pals waved at the plane unaware it was going to try and make an emergency landing in the field they were standing in at Endcliffe Park in Sheffield.
Instead the plane and its crew steered away from them and crashed into trees - killing everyone on board.
Grandfather-of-four Tony has blamed himself for their deaths ever since and spent several decades tending a memorial to the brave crew.
Image by: Simon Galloway
Image by: Simon Galloway
Image by: Simon Galloway
The 10 men killed in the crash:
Pilot Lt John Kriegshauser, pilot from Missouri
2nd Lt Lyle Curtis, co-pilot from Idaho
2nd Lt John Humphrey, navigator from Illinois
Melchor Hernandez, bombardier from California
Harry Estabrooks, engineer and gunner from Kansas
Charles Tuttle, gunner from Kentucky
Robert Mayfield, radio operator from Illinois
Vito Ambrosio, gunner from New York
Malcolm Williams, gunner from Oklahoma
Maurice Robbins, gunner from Texas
The list of aircraft taking part in Mi Amigo memorial flypast over Endcliffe Park in Sheffield:
Mi Amigo
KC -135 Stratotanker
Typhoons x2
CV-22 Osprey
F-15 Eagle x4
RAF firepower
B-17 Flying Fortress
Image by: Simon Galloway
Image by: Simon Galloway
But after Tony asked for a flypast for them on the 75th anniversary of the deaths a campaign was launched and his wish came true - with him as the guest of honour.
An emotional Tony speaking on BBC breakfast said: “I have had a guilty conscience all my life, the guilt has grown more and more over the years.
“The men that saved my life they’re my family, they didn’t know who anyone of us on the field that day but they chose to save our lives over their own.
“This fly-past is not about me, this is about those brave men who saved my life. I’ll never stop visiting the memorial.”
Mr Foulds said he and the other children were in the park on February 22, 1944 because boys from two rival junior schools were fighting.
Tony was spotted earlier this year by Dan Walker, BBC presenter who was walking his dog through the park spotted the pensioner caring for the memorial.
Dan shared their exchange online and it instantly won the heart of the nation.
A social media-led subsequently went viral and a fly-past which had been a life-long dream of Tony’s was successfully organised along with new steps and a flagpole for the crash memorial.
Today, thousands of people along with two relatives of the crew members who tragically died 75-years-ago, attended the fly-past involving military aircraft from Britain and the United States.
Crews set off from RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, which is home to the largest US Air Force base in the UK.
Image by: Simon Galloway
Image by: Simon Galloway
Mystery winner of £76m EuroMillions jackpot revealed
Image by: Thomas Maddick
Andrew revealed that he will be sharing his millions with over 20 people in his family, including Trisha's 14-year-old daughter, who has special needs.
Andrew said: “She will be set up for life. Any care she needs she will have.
“I won’t stop doing the lottery. I don’t do any other gambling but I will still buy my £1 scratch card.”
Andrew Clark is believed to have three children named Jamie, 22, Rikki, 23 and Zhoe, 27, and he lives in a home worth around £200,000.
He has three granddaughters aged nine, six, and two. He has put £200 each in their Christmas cards.
When asked about being apparently relaxed about the win, he said: “This is me. We’re very down to earth people. Trish will keep me grounded.”
He added: “Trish bought a Nissan Quashquai. She’s not a car person but that’s what she wanted.”
Andrew used to make parts for Mercedes Formula One.
He said: “Perhaps now I can buy one.”
Asked about Christmas presents, Andrew said: “Everyone will still get the same pair of socks that they were all supposed to get.”
Speaking about their families, Trisha said: “I’m sure they will help us spend it.
“They money will benefit them for life.”
With Andrew claiming the ticket, a frantic six-week search for the winner comes to an end.
The National Lottery deployed ad vans to the area to encourage the winner to come forward, and even enlisted local town crier Steve O'Dare to spread the news.
Andrew's is the 12th biggest win ever in the UK, and is not the first time someone from the area has got lucky.
In 2015, Richard and Angela Maxwell, from Conningsby, Lincs., won £53m.
And in May this year, another winner from Grantham, Lincs., scooped just under £10m.
Image by: Thomas Maddick
The 16-year-old boy convicted of raping and murdering Alesha MacPhail was named in court as Aaron Campbell
Image by: Matthew Newby SWNS
The 16-year-old boy convicted of raping and murdering Alesha MacPhail was named in court as Aaron Campbell.
The depraved teen was given anonymity throughout his trial at the High Court in Glasgow, due to his age.
Scotland gives people under the age of 18 statutory anonymity under Section 47 of the Criminal procedure (Scotland) Act 1995.
But a judge can be requested to lift the ban, if it is considered to be in the public interest, so a criminal can be named and pictured.
Campbell, from Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, was told that the rape, murder and abduction of six-year-old Alesha was among the ‘wickedest’ crimes ever heard at the High Court in Glasgow.
Judge Lord Matthews, who presided over the nine-day trial, held a hearing to decide whether anonymity should be lifted.
Campbell was present at the hearing along with dozens of reporters, and lawyers.
Before September 2015, his identity would have been known to the general public during the trial as anonymity was granted to those under the age of 16.
However, the law in Scotland changed to become aligned with the rest of the UK.
During the trial, Campbell’s identity was protected due to his age - however, he tried to pin the blame on Alesha’s father’s girlfriend, Toni-Louise McLachlan, aged 18.
Campbell cited a special defence of incrimination blaming her for Alesha’s murder.
This was cited as a public interest reason for naming him.
Public interest reasons were cited as the abhorrent nature of the crimes, in which the public will have had ‘substantial interest’, and that the prohibition on identification would end on Campbell’s 18th birthday, on May 16 2020.
It was said that due to the murder conviction, the sentence would cause him to be jailed beyond his 18th birthday, when the anonymity would end.
Image by: Simon Galloway
Crucial to the decision to name Aaron Campbell was the accusations he made against Toni-Louise McLachlan, aged 18.
Representing Scots media organisations urging Lord Matthews to lift the ban, Anthony Graham QC told the court that the allegations Campbell made against Ms McLachlan was a ‘substantial attempt to pervert the course of justice’.
Mr Graham said: “The incriminee enjoyed no statutory protection and was named and photographed and had her photographs published.
“He has introduced the issue of sexual involvement with the incriminee.
“By the very nature of that defence and by finding him party to that defence, the pannel has introduced to the trial adult themes.”
No appeal was lodged by Campbell’s defence, Brian McConnachie QC.
But the brief told the court that Campbell was ‘at risk of attack’.
Mr McConnachie said: “There was a history of self-harm, of anxiety and he had been tested for ADHD and was awaiting further testing due at the time of his arrest.
“As far as he’s concerned, there’s issues both with attack from others and the potential matter of self-harm.
“The onus is on the party seeking to have the prohibition lifted and to satisfy the court.”
Media lawyer Mr Graham said: “It’s naive to think he remains anonymous on Bute, a community in no little part affected by this.”
And he said Campbell would be locked up at HMYOI Polmont in Falkirk until he was 21.
Judge Lord Matthews told the court: “Children don’t usually commit offences of this nature.”
Mr Graham concurred and said: “It’s unusual for a child to be convicted of murder.”
He urged for Campbell’s name, his address, his images, school and ‘such background which is not protected otherwise’ should be allowed to be published.
Granting the application, Lord Matthews said: “I intend to name the accused.”
Image by: Jon Mills
In a closing speech, advocate depute Iain McSporran QC described a “mountain of evidence” against the accused, and said there was not a “solitary piece of evidence” against Toni McLachlan.
A charge of defeating the ends of justice was dropped by the prosecution.
Mr McSporran told the jury: “You have to be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt.
“What does your common sense and experience of life tell you?
“There is so much evidence in this case that there is only one true verdict - of guilty.
“You must set aside any prejudices or feelings you may have.
“You must not be swayed or affected by the emotion of this case.
“I don’t intend to show any more images I believe there’s been shown enough.
“This must be one of the very worst cases for a jury to have to come and sit in.
“The absence of his DNA in Alesha’s bedroom is essentially neutral.
“The evidence proves the accused removed her from her house and raped her.
“If you look at the injuries caused to her it was obvious the injuries were caused in the same way.”
When Mr McSporran described details from the pathology report on Alesha MacPhail’s body, the girl’s mother Georgina Lochrane left the courtroom.
Mr McSporran said: “The fact of the matter is she [Alesha] left that house without anyone hearing.
“She had never even left the house before on her own.
“During the night whoever took her was able to do it without anyone in the house hearing.
“The pathologist showed her nose and mouth could’ve been clearly covered without her making a sound.
“He saw she was taken by someone strong enough to carry her, that someone being [the accused].
“It is very odd someone is abducted, raped and murdered after someone is seen walking along that shoreline.
“The Crown position isn’t that he was smoking, chatting and having sex with Toni McLachlan but abducting Alesha MacPhail.”
Describing the accused as a “confident young man”, Mr McSporran said he had told the police officers who interviewed him ‘a pack of lies’ and ‘spun them a yarn’ after his mother left the room.
Regarding allegations from the accused of Ms McLachlan “fantasising” about killing Alesha, Mr McSporran said: “Nowhere else in this case is there evidence about someone fantasising about killing anyone.
“He introduced that to the case.”
The prosecutor described the “emotional turmoil” the island was in around the time of Alesha’s death, where a young girl was found dead “in the worst circumstances”.
Mr McSporran said: “As the trial progressed it became clearer only one of two people could’ve been responsible for Alesha’s murder, [the accused] or Toni McLachlan.”
He noted that accusations against Toni were introduced by the accused, and no one else.
The brief said: “What a risk to go out an rendezvous with a man who’s not your boyfriend.
“Is that not a risk beyond worth taking?
“To return to the house wearing a stranger’s hoodie, smelling of smoke and carrying a used condom.
“There’s not one single solitary piece of evidence.”
Citing evidence against the accused, he referenced a knife from the boy’s house and clothing found on a beach, the traces of DNA and clothing fibres discovered, and the “lies” the accused told to his mother and the police.
In his closing words Mr McSporran said there was no evidence implicating Toni McLachlan, while there was “a mountain of evidence” against the accused.
Image by: Jon Mills
Defence brief Brian McConnachie QC urged the jury to acquit the teen - telling them the 16-year-old accused ‘did not have to prove’ that Toni McLachlan was responsible for the murder.
Mr McConnachie said: “You can’t let emotion get in the way, you will have to act like judges.
“It’s entirely a matter for you.
“The prosecution don’t just need to prove their case but they need to prove it to a particular standard - beyond a reasonable doubt.
“One of the things you need to understand is it’s not for the accused to prove Toni McLachlan done this - it’s not a who done it.
“You might believe Toni was involved or you might have a doubt.”
He questioned why Alesha did not scream when she was taken from her bedroom.
Mr McConnachie said: “This is a girl who would scream if somebody came into her room.
“The prosecution claim he took her out of the house, down all of the stairs then out of the property without her making a sound or him making a sound.”
Asking them to consider DNA evidence, he said: “The Crown understandably makes something of that.
“When the police comes round and he [the accused] gives his statement he gives them the DNA quite willingly and quite happily.”
And Mr McConnachie referred to a Facebook conversation when the accused and a pal were both aged 14, and discussed killing.
He added: “There are elements of this case where the crown are trying too hard to make something of nothing.”
He described the conversation as “just rubbish” and “teenage fantasy”.
Mr McConnnachie described the Snapchat video showing the teen ‘claiming to have found who done it’ as ‘bad taste’.
He said: “There’s no doubt it was in bad taste.”
And he said DNA and fibre sample evidence connecting the accused to the murder was ‘irrelevent’ due to the possibility of secondary transfer.
Mr McConnachie said: “The verdict has to be one of acquittal.”
The trial has been adjourned until tomorrow when Lord Matthews will direct the jury.
Desk the Halls
Image by: Steve Chatterley
For the third year running engineer Jack Makepeace has created a merry masterpiece of his workspace so he can celebrate Christmas on the job.
Officer manager of Ibsecad, David Coy, said Jack had "knocked it out of the park" in the first 'decorate your desk' contest.
David, who has worked at the firm for six years, said: "I set up the competition in 2016 to create a bit of festive cheer in the office.
"The rest of us used a bit on tinsel and a tree, then Jack created a masterpiece that was absolutely incredible - he deserved the prize of a bottle of JD.
"Last year it got bigger and this year I came in on Monday to an ice castle. Already we're excited to see what he'll do in 2019.
"We were slightly worried about what he could be getting up to in his boxed-in castle but he does sit next to the regional director, Antony Henson, and he has put a window in there so we can have a peek in."
Image by: Steve Chatterley
It is especially brave - as Jack's desk is located next to the boss.
Jack said: "It took me about five hours to make. I have a degree in engineering so, luckily, the drawbridge didn't pose too many problems to construct.
"I then went into the office on Sunday to staple the whole thing together. I promise it was all done in my own time."
Jack has always loved Christmas, but especially so because his blind wife loves all the sparkles.
Jack said: "Charlotte has a genetic disorder called retinitis pigmentosa which meant she lost her sight at 14-years-old.
"She only has a little light perception left so she can see all the sparkles, on the tinsel and from the lights, so it is a very special time for us."
The couple, who have been together five years, live together in Morley, West Yorks., with their guide dog, Moss.
Video by: Ellis Wylam
A Christmas-mad office worker has turned his desk into Britain's most festive workspace - transforming into a snow-covered castle complete with 'smoking' chimney.
For the third year running, engineer Jack Makepeace has created a merry masterpiece of his workspace so he can celebrate Christmas while on the job.
What started as a competition amongst colleagues at building services firm Ibsecad in Leeds, West Yorks., has now become a tradition - with Jack's workmates waiting in anticipation for his Christmassy creation.
This year the newly married Yuletide fan drew inspiration from his recent honeymoon to Sweden when he and new wife, student Charlotte, 23, visited the Ice Hotel.
The 24-year-old created a cardboard castle covered in snow with a working drawbridge and a tunnel for escaping smoke - if somebody vapes through it.
It comes complete with fairy lights, tinsel, penguins and sugar canes.
Jack sits inside his castle to do his work and sets his computer on log fire screensaver mode if he starts feeling the cold.
Image by: Steve Chatterley
Jack said: "I had only worked here a couple of months when the company first set a competition in 2016.
"Others had put Christmas trees on their desk and I decided I wanted to go 'out there' and build a festive house around me.
"I wasn't quite sure whether it was the right thing to do, with me only working here a short while, but I thought 'sod it, it can only make people smile'.
"It went down such a storm that my colleagues said I had to make a bigger house next year - which I did - this year I thought I better build a castle."
WATCH: Two adrenaline junkies cheat death climbing 784ft London skyscraper
Video by: Syed Bukhari Image by: Syed Bukhari
This is the heart-stopping moment two adrenaline junkies climb a 784ft skyscraper above Canary Wharf without safety ropes.
Syed Bukhari, 21, and Owen Reece, 18, scaled the Landmark Pinnacle building, which is set to become the tallest residential building in Europe when completed.
They raced up 75 flights of stairs before walking out to the end of a crane on Saturday afternoon.
After a 20 minute walk the pair can be seen balancing on the end of a crane with their arms in the air, while taking in the view of the City of London.
Syed, who runs dozens of similar urban explorer videos on YouTube channel SyedSB TV, said: “We chose that one because it’s one of the tallest buildings in London.
“The hardest thing is climbing up as your hands start to become tired.
“We stayed up there for an hour taking pictures as the view is one of the best things about doing it.
“People might slate us for doing it but I would just say to them 'you only live once'.
“We’re not playing another person’s life, only ours.
“We don’t want to be restrained and only do things ordinary people can do. We want to push ourselves.
“Anyone who does this sort of thing knows the risks so we know what we are getting ourselves into.”
Owen said: “We were there for a few hours waiting for the workers to go home
“Because it was rainy there were times when I thought ‘Yo this is sketchy to get down’.
“But we had to focus.
“I don’t really get nervous as I’ve been doing this for three years.
“We don’t really joke about.
“When we got to the top the view was incredible.
“We could see the whole of London.
“We could see so much the landscape started to look a bit round.
“I’d love to do something like the Eiffel Tower but we’ve got a few more in the pipeline.”
Image by: Syed Bukhari
Prisoners in smell block H
The toilet was installed by Transport for London for bus drivers caught short in the area, but locals are furious about the stone-grey building.
Local politicians in a leafy suburb have joined the fight against the "arrogant" plonking of a toilet block resembling a Dr Who Tardis on a residential street.
The toilet was installed by Transport for London for bus drivers caught short in the area, but locals are furious about the stone-grey building.
Hundreds of objectors have signed a petition against the private, driver-only toilet, known by fuming locals as 'the Turdis', in Biggin Hill, south east London.
Residents say they were given no warning about the permanent portaloo - and now local councillors have pitched in on the row.
There are now three of these bogs in Bromley, with others in Petts Wood and St Mary Cray.
The Biggin Hill bog has already had its window smashed, but neighbours claimed it was a bird.
Speaking last night (Tues), executive environment councillor William Huntington-Thresher said he was calling on TfL to lose the loo as soon as possible.
He said: “It appears TfL intended to notify residents but this did not happen,.
“It is disappointing TfL did not consult residents, and it is also disappointing TfL did not attempt to locate toilets that can be used by a number of bus routes.
“They clearly decided to install these with minimum effort on their part.
“I would agree with residents the location is entirely unsuitable and call upon TfL to remove it as soon as possible.”
The toilets were installed by TfL using its permitted development rights, meaning the authority could only object on the grounds of highway safety.
These rights have only been used previously for bus shelters, and the council is exploring whether it does extend to toilets.
Biggin Hill councillor Julian Benington said: “It is a monstrosity.
"The need for a toilet there is certainly questionable.
"I would like to ask the portfolio holder to ensure this toilet is removed as soon as possible – we don’t want it hanging around until Christmas and the new year.”
Petts Wood councillor Simon Fawthrop said TfL was acting “as though it can do whatever it likes” by placing a toilet in a special conservation area in his ward.
TfL has already apologised for the communication breakdown and is investigating how letters failed to reach Biggin Hill residents, and said it was meeting with neighbours to discuss the site’s feasibility.
Nick Fairholme, a director at TfL, said: “We are sorry that we did not inform all residents of our plans to install a toilet for bus drivers in Biggin Hill.
“We try to be mindful of residents when we install these important facilities but understand that there are concerns about this location.
“We have offered to meet the local community to explore the feasibility of a more suitable location, or if that is not possible to see if any changes can be made to the existing facility.”
Image by: Matthew Newby SWNS
Image by: Matthew Newby SWNS
Image by: Matthew Newby SWNS
Image by: Matthew Newby SWNS