"My twin daughters were born with albinism - people gawk at them in the street"

By Ben Barry

A mum whose twin daughters were born with albinism said people "gawk" at them in the street.

Alex Burnham, 31, gave birth to her twins, Aubrie and Andie, 10 months, in April 2023.

Alex and her husband, Joshua Burnham, 33, a transportation manager, say they didn't realise their daughters had albinism until they were born as it was not picked up during the pregnancy.

Alex said a doctor came into the room looking concerned and she thought there was something wrong with the tots.

The doctor told the worried parents that Aubrie and Andie had albinism and Alex said she was "relieved".

Alex said the twins have issues with their vision so require special glasses, and have fair skin and bright blonde hair.

She said she would often be stopped in the street so people can comment on the twins.

Alex, a marketing manager, from Charlotte, North Carolina, US, said: "Every time we go out people will see the twins and go 'oh my god'.

"Adding the fact that they have bright hair people are fascinated.

"I choose who I tell they have albinism to - I just let people gawk at them.

"I don't have the patience or time to correct people."

Aubrie and Andie when they were babies. (Pix via SWNS)
Aubrie and Andie, 10 months, who were born with albinism. (Pix via SWNS)

Alex found out she was pregnant in September 2022, but didn't discover she was expecting twins until October.

She said: "I was shocked and a little anxious, I have always been the person to say I wanted two kids.

"When I got pregnant with their big sister, Averie, three, I would say how I would love to have twins with her so I was one and done with the pregnancy.

"I went through my feelings, I was nervous about all those things but they have been the biggest blessing to my family.

"I love my girls more than anything in the world."

Alex said she had a "completely normal" pregnancy despite being high-risk because she was carrying twins.

The girls were born on April 27, 2023, via c-section at 37 weeks, just two minutes apart weighing 6lbs 11oz and 7lbs 1oz.

Alex said: "As soon as I got to hold them any worry I had was completely diminished.

"I felt so confident and I was ready to tackle this new venture and being a twin mum."

Alex said when the twins were held up she was shocked to see their bright blonde hair but didn't suspect anything abnormal.

She said: "I did all the genetic testing you have during the pregnancy.

"Nothing was flagged on my tests.

"I remember them being held up for me to see, I commented saying they're toe heads.

"Because they had super bright blonde hair.

"When I was born I had super blonde hair and my family called me a toe head."

Alex Burnham, 31, with husband Joshua Burnham, 33, and their children Averie, three, and Aubrie and Andie, 10 months. (Pix via SWNS)
Averie, three, with Aubrie and Andie, 10 months, who were born with albinism. (Pix via SWNS)

A few hours after the pregnancy, Alex and Joshua were visited by a doctor who looked concerned.

She said: "The paediatrician came in with a pack of paper, I thought there was something wrong with the kids.

"They had very fair skin, their eyes were pink and she said she suspected albinism.

"To me when I got the news, I was like 'oh my god, they're fine'.

"I expected such a bad diagnosis."

Alex said the twins are thriving at home but have issues with their vision.

She said: "The big one we have noticed is their vision, we're still navigating what this means for Aubrie and Andie.

"We have special glasses for them but trying to keep them on them is like and Olympic sport.

"I haven't noticed any other issues with their skin or anything like that."

Ten months on from their birth, Alex says Aubrie and Andie have developed very different personalities.

She said: "Aubrie is fearless, independent and such a confident girl.

"She is not scared of anything and she will go anywhere and climb on anything - she is a huge daddy girl.

"Andie is my girl, she is cautious but curious and very careful with what she is doing.

"When they were younger they were similar in personality but as they have got older they're so different - it is fun to watch their personalities develop."

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Love floods in for dog with no eyes who needed forever home

By Adam Dutton

A blind dog that captured the hearts of animal lovers when a cute video of him went viral is searching for a forever home.

Three-year-old Benedict lost his sight when he developed an infection and vets had no choice but to remove his eyes to save his life.

The adorable German Shepherd is now being cared for by Immingham Dogs Home in north east Lincolnshire.

Centre owner Kelly Magee posted a heartwarming video of Benedict on Facebook showing him jumping up and hugging her.

Despite racking up more than 70,000 views, Kelly says the charity has not received a single application to adopt Benedict.

He is currently staying with a temporary foster family but Kelly and her team are desperate to find him a forever home.

Mum-of-two Kelly, 46, said: “He’s only been with us since November and he went into foster care in January.

“We thought within three months he would be adopted but he hasn’t been.

“I think it’s because how often do you see a dog with no eyes.

“There’s blind dogs all over the place, but I guess it’s very unusual to see them without

“As a dog, he’s just a very normal dog.

“He’s had his eyes removed as there was so much pressure on them, pushing them out of his head.

“He had an infection and the pressure was building. They removed one and then the pressure was too much for the other.

“It was just a year-and-a-half ago that he had the operation.”

(Pix via SWNS)

Since losing his sight, Benedict has learned to follow people’s voices or a bell which helpers ring to guide him.

Kelly, who cares for 36 dogs at the centre, added: “It’s very sad that he hasn’t been adopted yet.

“He deserves a home and has done so well with adapting.

"You can't meet him and not fall in love with him.

“He’s quite small, he’s more collie size.

“When we first started walking him we noticed he would follow the voices of the people.

“We’ve trained him to follow the bell instead of voices. He’s off the lead with his fosterers now, he’s amazing.

“He’s literally like any other dog, he’s incredible.”

Benedict has not met any cats and would prefer children over 12 years old as he would need a quieter home.

Anyone interested in offering Benedict a forever home can contact Immingham Dogs Home on Facebook.

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“I will laugh at you when you’re sad” - Moment groom mixes up vows on wedding day

By George Mathias

A nervous groom mixed up his words at the altar – and said to his bride he would "laugh at you when you’re sad".

Robert Thomson, 36, inadvertently brought the house down after confusing the phrase “comfort you when you’re sad”.

Bride Amy, 33, and Robert had their big day on April 13, 2023 at the Reid Rooms in Essex.


The couple, from Hadleigh, Essex, said the gaffe was a “moment to remember.”

Robert, a construction worker, said: “It was such a lovely day. I was full of nerves hence me stumbling on my vows.

“I was waiting for Amy for nearly 45 minutes as she was running late - which made me even more nervous!

“I did see the funny side of it. It's a moment no one can forget or live down - and our family and friends definitely saw the funny side of it too!

Amy, a learning support assistant said: “It was like a Carry On film! I don't think he realised until the reaction. We’ll never forget it.”

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"I love wearing leather shorts at aged 70 – you should never give up on yourself"

By Emma Dunn

Meet the 70-year-old who isn’t afraid to don leather shorts and mini skirts and says you should "never give up on yourself".

Faye Browne, who turns 70 at the end of the month, has always loved fashion and follows the latest trends – wearing mini skirts and slinky dresses.

The fashion designer says clothing makes her feel “confident” and she never leaves the house without feeling put together.

Faye describes her personal style as “classic but edgy” and wants to inspire other women to “wear everything”.

She often gets told she looks 20 years younger and says she doesn’t feel her age.

Faye, creative director at Motto Fashions, from Melbourne, Australia, said: “Most people are shocked to find out my age.

“They think I am 50 or 55.

“I don’t know what a 70-year-old feels like.

“A lot of people don’t think they can still wear a pair of shorts.

“I wear anything going.

“You can too – as long as you wear it in your style.

“Never give up on yourself.”

Faye Browne, 70. (Pix via SWNS)
(Pix via SWNS)

Faye has loved fashion ever since she was a little girl – growing up around Italian women who always looked “sensational”.

She started sewing when she was just aged 10 and set up Motto Fashions in 1984.

Faye said: “I grew up believing I was ugly.

“I always wanted to make myself look beautiful.

“When I got to 60 I looked back at the photos and thought 'why did I think I was ugly?'

“Once you wear clothing in a certain way you can feel a difference. You have confidence.”

Faye has always been “trendy” and feels clothes have an impact on how others see you.

She said: “The way you look is important.

“The way you dress yourself has a bearing on how people treat you.

“I feel like the way you dress tell the world everything.

“I always want to be put together.

“I can’t leave the house without being put together.

“I can go without make-up but I have to have the shirt and shoes look.”

(Pix via SWNS)
(Pix via SWNS)

After surviving breast cancer and undergoing a mastectomy before she turned 50, Faye gained a new perspective on life.

She said: “You have to love yourself no matter what.”

Faye believes you can wear what you want – no matter your age.

She said: “It’s nothing to do with age.

“I wore a sexy outfit on my 70th birthday.

“Who cares about the wrinkled neck?"

Faye stays young and fit by staying active - lifting weights twice a week and going on regular hikes and walks.

She doesn't smoke or drink and eats a healthy diet.

Faye said: “I’m OK with ageing.

“I celebrate everyday.

“My mantra is - the older I get, the better I get.

"I love life the way it is.

"I don't intend to retire."

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Owners build secret dog door in fence for "best friend" dogs

By Hannah Van De Peer

Two dogs who became "best friends" are now able to see each other whenever they like - after their owners built a secret door in their fence.

Pooches Fritz and Trapper, both five years old, have been next door neighbors for the last two years.

Having both struggled with anxiety, their owners, Miranda Stockton, 45, and Whitney Tipton, 35, built the door to encourage the pups to play.

Now they can’t get enough of each other with Golden Retriever Trapper constantly sticking his nose under the fence to signal he wants to see his best friend, Fritz, a German Shepherd.


Miranda, a software engineer, from San Francisco, USA, said: “Fritz and Trapper are best friends - despite having super different personalities.

“I see Trapper popping his head under the fence - so Whitney and I will text each other and ask if we can unlock the door.

“Our partners both thought it was weird at first - but they already played together at the dog park, and Trapper would just break my heart whenever he’d come looking for Fritz.”

Miranda rescued Fritz in 2022 from the Humane Society and he had a number of anxiety issues which stopped him socializing with other dogs.

Around the same time, Whitney adopted Trapper - who she says has “boundless energy”.

The next-door neighbors decided to introduce their dogs to each other - hoping they’d bond.

Miranda Stockton, 45, with her husband Josh Levenson, 47, and pet pooch Fritz. (Pix via SWNS)
Dog besties Fritz and Trapper can now freely play with one another in their gardens thanks to an ingenioius their owners had installed in the fence between their gardens. (Pix via SWNS)

Miranda said: “As they grew up, Fritz and Trapper would smell each other under the fence.

“Their personalities are so different - Trapper is a big, sweet, blundering idiot with a goofy smile.

“While Fritz is a very smart dog - and you can just tell he’s judging you.

“I think they really bonded on the fact that they were both a bit funky with other dogs.”

At first, the pair would take Trapper and Fritz to the local dog park - where they’d “aggressively” play with each other.

But after a while, Trapper started to stick his head under the fence to look for his friend.

“I asked Whitney if we could build a dog door,” Miranda said.

“I couldn’t take Trapper under the fence anymore, it was killing me.

“She said ‘no - it’s too weird’.

“I said 'it’s not weird'. They already play together - and Trapper would always squish his little nose under the fence to see Fritz.”

Trapper pokes his paw under the fence to see Fritz before their owners built a dog door between the gardens. (Pix via SWNS)
Doggy besties Fritz and Trapper. (Pix via SWNS)

Miranda messaged Whitney’s husband, Joe Parks, 35, with screenshots of dog door pictures on Pinterest.

He loved the idea and the pair tried to convince Miranda’s own husband, Josh Levenson, 47, to get on board.

After calling a carpenter and getting quoted for $600, Josh and Whitney decided to go for it.

Miranda said: “We worked with him to design it - I shared my Pinterest photos with the carpenter.

“He made a door to replicate the photos I had on my board - a perfectly-framed, little wood door with mini locks on both sides for privacy.

“It was only $300 each - Whitney and I paid half-and-half.”

Now, Whitney and Miranda often unlock the door when they get home from work, and allow the dogs to play with each other.

“Fritz has grown so much in confidence because of this,” Miranda said.

“He’ll come up to Trapper and now they’ll just start playing.”


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Puppy left covered in sugar puffs after tearing into cereal boxes

By Samuel Wightwick

A cheeky pup tore into boxes of cereal - with her fur left covered with sugar puffs.

A hilarious video shows owner Heather Hunt, 51, coming home to discover her two-year-old Zuchon Crumpet completely covered from head to toe.

Heather can be heard shouting "For the love of God! Who has left the cereal cupboard open?"

She later discovered her son Ryan had managed to trap the other two dogs, George and Mildred, in the front room and left Crumpet in the kitchen with the cereal cupboard door wide open.

Heather, a head of year at a secondary school in Oldham, Greater Manchester, added: "I came back in from shopping and it was all over the floor everywhere. I went mad.

"She got into two other cereal boxes too but the sugar puff cereal is covered in honey so it stuck to her fur like tar."

Heather tried to get the cereal out of Crumpet's fur but it proved to be lodged very deep.

Heather and her 2-year-old Shih Tzu, Crumpet. (Pix via SWNS)

She added: "I couldn’t get them out. I tried to wet them but it just turned them into wallpaper paste.

"When I finally decided to take her to the groomers, it took them them nearly three hours to wash her, cut all of the cereal out and make her look like a dog again.

"She looked like an completely different dog - almost like a different breed.

"She was shaking and everything afterwards, as she was so used to her thick coat."

This isn't the first time Crumpet has gotten herself into mischief as Heather says she is always up to something.

Heather's 2-year-old Shih Tzu, Crumpet covered in sugar puffs. (Pix via SWNS)
Heather's 2-year-old Shih Tzu, Crumpet after the cereal was removed. (Pix via SWNS)

She said: "She’s always getting into trouble.

"I have an artificial grass garden with no mud in it at all and somehow she managed to come back with a her face caked in mud!

"Her and the other two dogs are always in the shopping too, I can't leave a bag unattended as they'll be straight into the ham.

"They drive me insane but I love them to death."

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Terrifying moment man is 'kidnapped' and thrown in van in broad daylight

By George Mathias

Police are hunting a gang of kidnappers after footage emerged of a man being pulled into a van in broad daylight.

CCTV footage shows a red van pulling up outside a house before three men get out and head down an alleyway.

Moments later, the three are seen dragging a man into the van as he tries desperately to escape before they make off, in Bradford, West Yorkshire.

Ali Rafiq, 40, whose CCTV camera caught the assailants, at 11am on March 6, said: "I was in total shock when I saw it.

"I felt guilty as I had been at home at the time and thought I heard somebody moaning and groaning - but I just thought it was an argument.

"It was only when I watched the footage back I realised what had happened and immediately phoned police.

"Had I not been at home and watched it back nobody would have known it happened - it's very scary."

Video grab from footage of a man being being dragged into a van on Westcroft Rd, Bradford at 11.10am on Wednesday 6 2024. (Pix via SWNS)
Video grab from footage of a man being being dragged into a van on Westcroft Rd, Bradford at 11.10am on Wednesday 6 2024. (Pix via SWNS)

West Yorkshire Police said: "Police are investigating a report of kidnap after a man suffered injuries on Westcroft Road, Bradford at around 11.10am on Wednesday 6 March.

"The victim suffered injuries to his jaw and ribs.

"Enquiries are ongoing by Bradford CID."

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"I spent £4k on an eyebrow transplant using hair from back of my head"

By Emma Dunn

A woman spent £4k on an eyebrow transplant – just like Chrissy Teigen – and says her new brows make her feel “younger” and more “confident”.

Siham Cyrine, 29, had hair from the back of her head transplanted onto her face.

She decided to have the four hour operation after feeling self-conscious of her thin eyebrows which she had overplucked as a teenager.

She previously tried microblading and spent 45 minutes every day just doing the make-up on her brows.

After researching and seeing the likes of Chrissy Teigen getting an eyebrow transplant she decided to go for it herself.

Siham had the transplant in November 2023 and is now delighted with her new full brows.

Siham, a content creator, from LA, California, said: “I had thick eyebrows growing up.

“I plucked a lot. I started to lose my eyebrows in my 20s.

“Eyebrows are so important to me.

“Now I love them so much.

“I feel so much more confident.”

Siham had naturally thick eyebrows growing up but after being bullied for them she ended up plucking them a lot.

She said: "People said 'you have a unibrow' and laughed."

She found her eyebrows never grew back and started thinning out even more in her 20s.

Siham tried microblading but found the ink bled out and didn’t give the desired shape she wanted.

Siham Cyrine before transplant. (Pix via SWNS)
Siham Cyrine now. (Pix via SWNS)

She said: “I started researching other options. So many people overplucked, I thought there had to be a solution.

“I started seeing more about eyebrow transplants. Chrissy Teigen did it.”

Siham went for several consultations before settling on Dr. Ducu clinic in Westminster, London.

She had consultations to draw up the perfect eyebrow shape before a small portion of hair was taken from the back of her head.

The hair follicles were then placed carefully on Siham’s face in a four hour procedure.

Siham said her brows looked "really odd" at first and they scabbed over before her hair fell off.

She said: "You're back to where you started."

Siham Cyrine's donor patch. (Pix via SWNS)
Siham Cyrine's eyebrows scabbed after transplant. (Pix via SWNS)

Siham's eyebrows then started to regrow in December 2023 and now four months later are nearly fully grown.

She said: “I used to spend 45 minutes on my eyebrows alone. When I didn't have make-up on my eyebrows were and insecurity.

“Now I only take ten minutes.

"I feel more myself.

"They make me feel a bit younger."

Siham says her eyebrows will take nine months to fully develop but she's already happy with the results.

She said: "Eyebrows are such a big part of your face and identity."

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Dad buys terminally-ill 18-year-old son "dream" $20k Mustang before he dies

By Ben Barry

A dad bought his dying teenage son his $20k dream car - as he doesn't have long enough to save for it himself.

Joseph Tegerdine, 18, started experiencing knee pain in 2019 when he was 13 years old but his parents Joe, 49, and Kerry, 46, put it down to "growing pains".

The pain persisted for a few weeks and started to keep Joseph up at night so he went for an x-ray and MRI at Methodist Richardson Medical Centre in Richardson, Texas, US.

The MRI results showed Joe had a synovial sarcoma - a rare type of cancer that tends to occur near large joints, mainly the knees - and he started chemotherapy 10 days later.

In May 2019, Joseph finished the treatment and went for a rotationplasty - a surgical procedure used to treat bone tumours in children that occur near the knee.

Joseph was given a 70 per cent survival rate but, in January 2022, Joseph was told the cancer had spread to his lungs and his hip and he had months to live.

Joseph Tegerdine with his parents Joe and Kerry and brother Langston. (Pix via SWNS)

After his terminal diagnosis, Joe went out and bought his son a 330 horsepower Ford Mustang as he had always dreamed of owning his own.

Delighted Joseph told his dad: 'I'm going to squeeze a few extra months of life just to be able to drive this'.

Now the family are making the most of the time they have left and have visited Los Angeles to see Taylor Swift, Florida to swim with Dolphins and are currently in Tokyo.

Joe, a businessman, from Springville, Utah, said: "Joseph had been talking about owning a Mustang for a couple of years.

"He was always talking to me about buying one but we kept putting it off.

"Once he got his terminal diagnosis I spoke to my wife and said there was no way he has enough time to save money - so I went out and bought him one.

"He was so excited, he told me he wants to squeeze out a few extra months of life to drive the car.

"He really wants to live life to the fullest. He is not interested in spending the last few months hooked up to machines.

"He wants a high standard of living."

The family was devastated when Joseph was first diagnosed.

Joseph Tegerdine with his girlfriend Lily. (Pix via SWNS)
Joseph Tegerdine at a restaurant. (Pix via SWNS)

Joe said: "They said they could see a growth.

"We then had an MRI and that same day we got a call.

"My wife knew it would be bad news and they confirmed it was a synovial sarcoma.

"It was so devastating because not only did the doctor say it was one of the worst cancers and the hardest to treat.

"You didn't have Google to know that the statistics for survival were not good.

"We knew he would need to have his right leg amputated - it was horrible we just didn't know what the outcome looked like."

Joseph started chemotherapy on February 14, 2019 at Medical City Dallas Hospital, Taxes.

Then on May 3, 2019, he went for a rotationplasty.

Joe said: "Part of the treatment was that he would need an amputation.

"After the surgery, he had more chemotherapy until October 2019.

"He was the healthiest kid, he had never seen the inside of a hospital.

"His body was very strong and all the information they give you from when they take out the tumour looked very good."

In January 2022, scan results showed Joseph's cancer had spread to his lungs which took his survival rate from 70 per cent to 10 per cent.

He then underwent two surgeries to remove the tumour in his lungs which were successful.

Joseph Tegerdine in his Mustang. (Pix via SWNS)
Joseph Tegerdine in his Mustang. (Pix via SWNS)

Joe said: "After we got the all clear, Joseph started a drug trial where they would inject listeria bacteria into his body and programme them to kill the cancer cells.

"Unfortunately, in February 2023 his cancer spread to his hips.

"The doctor told us that we were talking about months and not years.

"Just a few weeks ago, doctors found a large tumour in his lungs and Joseph has now started radiation to prolong his life."

When he was growing up, Joseph had always dreamed of owning a Ford Mustang.

After his parents found out Joseph was dying they bought him his own car so he could drive around in it before he died.

Joe said: "He has been talking about it for a few years and constantly looking and searching for the perfect car.

"After our last hospital visit, I spoke to his mum and said there is no way he will save enough money in time to buy it so we bought him it ourselves.

"When we collected the car, Joseph was able to drive it home and he turned to me and said: 'dad, I'm going to squeeze a few extra months of life just to be able to drive this'."

The family have been making sure Joseph lives his final months to the fullest and is currently on holiday in Tokyo, Japan and are planning a trip in the summer depending on how well Joseph is.

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“Britain’s smartest dog” knows the names of all 231 of his toys

By Hannah Van De Peer

Meet “Britain’s smartest dog” - a border collie who knows the names of all 231 of his toys.

Martin Morris, 48, has been teaching seven-year-old Max the names of his toys since he was 12 weeks old.

Along with his wife, hospital cleaner Helen, 49, Martin has spent £1,115 on toys for Max - and now claims he can recognise every single one.

They shout the name of a toy - such as 'Hector the hedgehog' - from another room, and Max can root through seven bags of toys to find the correct one.

Martin, a taxi driver from Shrewsbury, Shropshire, said: “Max is a very talented boy - we think he should be famous.

“We’ve got seven wash baskets, overflowing with toys. We’re at 231 now, and he knows every one of their names.

“You can test him all you like - even with toys that haven’t seen the light of day in a while. He’ll still recognise it.”

Martin and Helen adopted Max - born from two working sheepdogs - from a farm in Manchester.

Seven-year-old border collie Max at home with all his toys. (Pix via SWNS)

The “name game” has become a nightly ritual ever since - and the couple insist it keeps the pup sharp.

Martin said: “It’s taken us seven years to get to this stage - we read about the US collie called Chaser, who knows the names of 1,022 toys.

“But I don’t think any dog in the UK has managed to surpass 231 - making our boy the smartest.

“We’d buy Max a toy pretty much every week - Hector the Hedgehog, Sophia the Squirrel and Deeno the Dino, to name a few.

“And every night, before we go to bed, we play the name game.”

The “name game” involves Martin and Helen calling to Max from their bedroom, after lining a selection of his toys up on the floor.

They shout a name to him, and he has to run and identify the toy.

Martin says the hound has always been able to do this without treats, or any other incentive.

“We’ll go, ‘where’s…’ in an exaggerated voice - and then say the name of the toy.

“And off he’ll pop, looking for toys on the floor.

“He’ll smile at us afterwards, with this big smile that looks like a human’s.”

The couple have no plans to stop testing Max any time soon - and still buy a new toy for him every week. .

Martin added. “His favorite is Leo the Lion - he’s the first one we ever bought for him, and he still remembers him.”

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