SWNS_FROZEN_WATERBALL_02.jpg Image by: Carol Bauer

This is cool footage of the icy conditions that causes a water ball to instantly freeze in a mesmerising pattern.

The footage was captured on a frosty February morning by 55-Year-Old Carol Bauer in her hometown of Graceville, Minnesota, USA.

Carol said: “In the winter I like to photograph snowflakes, frosty trees, sundogs and when it is extremely cold I experiment with hot water freezing as it comes out of hot cup and I’ve even shot it out of a squirt gun and like to see how it freezes in mid air.

“I would say though frozen bubbles are one of my favorite. I like to try to make them look unique by utilizing every day items I have such as unique glass, glass flowers petals, crystal balls that I use for some of my other photography set ups.

“This year I tried something new and set a rose that I received for valentines in a glass and encased it in a frozen bubble.

SWNS_FROZEN_WATERBALL_05.jpgImage by: Carol BauerSWNS_FROZEN_WATERBALL_01.jpgImage by: Carol Bauer

”I try different objects and then since sunrise and sunset are my favorite things to photograph I like to do it at that time of day to give it that unique glow that only sunrise and sunset can give.

”The temperature ideally should be below zero for the crystals to freeze quickly.”

“I mix up my solution with water, corn syrup, and sugar. I then set it outside for it to cool a bit before I begin.

”I place solution in desired object and take a straw and blow the bubble and let nature take its course. It not only has to be cold but it needs to be have fairly calm winds otherwise it will pop too quickly.

“I did not have a lot of opportunities to get out an do frozen bubble this winter as it was busy with a lot of family things going on and on the day I did this video it was going to be one of the last cold days to do this and the temperature, the wind speed and sunset all came together to make it work.

”I should also note you do not need an expensive camera for this. I have nice cameras but for this I used my iphone. So it is a very inexpensive way to have some fun.”

Video by: Carol Bauer

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