Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
A man stuck in a ‘dead end’ job has retrained to find his true calling as an undertaker – after being born Mr COFFIN.
David Coffin, 33, said his surnma has been the butt of jokes all his life – so eventually decided to fulfil what he considered his destiny.
He admitted there was a certain inevitability about the job he’d end up doing – so described his move to “Walter C Parson Funeral Directors” no-brainer.
And Mr Coffin, of Plymouth, Devon, who said he has heard all the jokes, said he couldn’t be happier.
He said: “It was a long-time joke with my family.
”My great uncle was in the funeral profession for a while – and it’s always been said to me, ‘Well, one day, you never know, you might be made for that job, too’.
“So here I am… and my name was certainly a tremendous ice-breaker during the interview.”
David said he spotted a recruitment advert for Walter C Parson Ltd and went for his interview in July of this year. He started his new career the following month.
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
Image by: James Dadzitis SWNS
He added: “This role came up and at the time, I was looking and I did want a change of career.
“I was in a dead-end job where I didn’t really have much to think about, and I just wanted to better myself.
“I thought it sounded like something I’d like to do – something that makes a difference for people every day – and that was the driving force behind my decision.
“I didn’t want to be doing nothing, I wanted to make an impact on something. So I went for the job and, luckily, I was successful.”
Needless to say, David is already thoroughly enjoying his new career and says it was the best decision he ever made.
One of his tasks involves being on call 24 hours a day and driving the limousines.
He added: “It has been a complete career-change and I’m really enjoying it. I haven’t actually had a job before that I enjoy doing, and now I go home from work each day feeling like I’ve achieved something.”
“One day we might have not much going on, and the next we could have three or four funerals to plan or attend.
“Something I’ve noticed since working for Walter C Parson is that every funeral is different and unique.
”People want a million different things for their loved ones. You get a great variety of requests – it’s very personal and I really enjoy that aspect of the job.”
Video by: James Dadzitis SWNS