This is the hilarious footage of a levitating dog on a broomstick dressed as Harry Potter.

Filmed by Nicky Gilmour and hoisted into the air by her husband Gilly, 4 year old Springer Moose could easily be The Boy Wizard.

Nicky, a 42-year-old childminder from York said: “This video was a group effort with my husband and daughters ellenor and Gracie.

''Moose is a four year old springer – the video was inspired from tik toks the girls have been showing us.

''We decided to make some of our own and had to include our gorgeous boy Moose.

“Moose is seen rising on a broom wearing a Harry Potter cloak my husband is behind him holding him steady whilst we get his attention with his favourite possessions.. a ball……. we are only sorry we could find the Harry Potter glasses.''

Video by: Gabriella Petty

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