Image by: Steve Chatterley
A talented toddler who has already been playing golf half his life has been hailed the next Rory McIlroy because of his exceptional skill off the tee.
Little George Hughes can already drive, pitch and putt the ball despite only celebrating his third birthday last month.
His longest shot to date is 100 yards and earlier this year he completed an entire hole for the first time in 11 shots.
The little lad regularly takes to the course with his own set of clubs and a tiny glove but he can’t wear golf shoes or clothing yet as no brand make them in his size.
George’s golf mad granddad Tony Sedgwick, 48, sparked the youngster’s love of the game when he bought him a set of plastic toy clubs 18 months ago.
“It’s really fun going to the golf range and to the golf course with my granddad,” George said.
“I love whacking the golf ball.”
He added: “When I’m famous I’m going to buy my mummy a new house and granddad some new golf balls.”
Business manager Tony recognised his grandson’s exceptional skill early on and nowadays the two can regularly be seen together at the 18-hole Wigan Golf Club.
He said: “George just absolutely loves golf, he can’t get enough of it.
“He loves going to the driving range and having a whack or even just coming to the course with me when I go for a round.
“He’s definitely made me super proud.”
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
Image by: Lee Mclean SWNS
The granddad-of-two added: “At the moment it’s all about him having fun but there’s no doubt he has a huge amount of natural talent.
“He’s my little Rory McIlroy.”
Tony said George first picked a club up more than 18 months ago, when he stumbled across one of his in the back garden.
“Even at such a young age you could tell he had a natural talent for the game,” Tony said.
“The clubs were obviously too big and heavy for him but he was swinging away.”
Not long after purchasing the lad plastic clubs Tony went all the way and got him a set of real ones in the smallest possible size.
Within weeks George was successfully making solid contact with the ball.
His proud mum Louise Sedgwick, 26, had to ban him from using real balls in the garden after he nearly smashed the conservatory window.
But he’s still able to practice everyday with light plastic ones.
Seventeen months ago Louise’s husband and George’s dad Dave Hughes tragically died aged 32 due to complications from a heart transplant.
Louise, who’s now training to be an organ transplant nurse, said: “George was very young when Dave died but the tragedy has still definitely had an impact on him.
“Sometimes he’ll cry and ask for his daddy, which is heartbreaking but we make sure we talk about Dave all the time so he’s a part of George’s life.”
She added: “Golf has been a brilliant thing for George to focus on since his dad died.
“It’s amazing to see how well he’s doing despite everything he’s been through.”
George is so confident from the tee now he’s started giving experienced adult golfers advice at the range, Tony said.
“He’ll go up to people and tell them to move their legs together and keep their head still, it’s hilarious,” he added.
“Everyone absolutely loves George, no one can believe he’s only just turned three when they see him play.”
Tony hopes a major golf brand will recognise his grandson’s talent and pick him up.
With golf participation numbers for youngsters in the UK at an all time low Tony believes a child star like George could be the injection of excitement the game needs.
Tony Byrom, the professional at Wigan Golf Club, said: “I’ve never seen such a natural golf swing from a player so young.
“Even more impressive than that is that a three-year-old actually listens to you when you show him things.
“George is a great example of how youngsters can enjoy the game, it’s a pleasure to see him play.”
Video by: Ashley Moran